today i went to school..(suprise!!haha) well,it's because there was a course about "pengurusan jenazah" n it offers i guess i should go then..hehe*certificate collector* i also gave amal my pendriveS cuz i want some dramas from her..i ask for her hdisk.. but she said her hdisk is always BUSY~ weird huh??=p so..tis week i made a progress..i came to school 2/5 days.. (last week it was 1/5..haha!) banzai!!!^0^
tomorrow i'm going to melaka.. for what..? hmmm..kinda like..'family vacation'? haha.. but i'm not TAT xcited..;] but maybe it'll be fun..who knows?^^
d title doesn't has anything to do wit this post.. maybe it's bcuz i'm listening to tis song as im writing tis entry~ so tat's y la... btw..i'm bad at giving titles!=p
okay..let's see.. what was my xtvts today~ hmm..finishing Bloody Monday! finally!!^_^ tat's a really gud drama i got to tell ya~ highly recommended! plus,there's Haruma Miura n mann..he's HOT! (cute too!XD) at first i thought this drama was kinda boring cuz it's a serious drama n i'm used to watch funny drama like yukan club n so on.. but i'm wrong! imagine..first ep=1movie (it's 1hour++) haha! after finishing each episode..i feel like it's the climax of the story n it's like watching a movie every episode! my heartbeat never slow down when i'm watching this drama~ also..the ending was really unpredictable and shocking.. but somehow..kinda 'tergantung"..LOL~ d person whom u think is ur best fren is actually ur biggest enemy! n..i think i really cant hate d terrorist leader cuz..he's cute! he's bad+crazy but at d same time..cute!=p
ok..what should i watch after this.. kimi wa petto or orthros no inu...*thinking hard* any idea...?
yeah.. there r some people who doesn't know about SJM.. actually, they r the subgroup from Super Junior. consists of Hankyung (leader),Siwon,Donghae,Ryeowook,Kyuhyun n 2 new members, Henry n Zhoumi.. but these 2 r only in SJM n they're not in Super Junior.. they debuted on April 2008 with U (chinese version).. n tis year they came back with 'Super Girl'..(i'm lovin it!) so here r their photos~
yo yo~ i'm tooo lazy to update my blog.. so yeah, after 2 days wit no update.. here i am! ^_^
on saturday..hmmm nothing much act.. just go to my father's relative's house in Rawang.. (raya's not over!LOL~) n b4 tat..we went to selayang cuz my dad want to test drive his new car.. my dad's going to buy a new car! n it's rexton~=) but i felt a lil sad cuz my dad has to trade his merc for tat.. gudbye ma beloved car!huhu..
next..on sunday.. we hav a 'little' open house cuz my dad invited his friend n brothers to come n 'makan2' at our house.. so it's like open house la..but wit few people..=p
today i went to school..(suprising huh?) it's cuz i hav something to take/give to my frens.. pendrive to be exact~hehe.. n it was..the same..boring of coz.. we had a talk in d mosque about 'aliran' tat we r going to choose in form4. me? i'm going to choose science of course! (btw,i'm going to be a doc!^^) after d talk..i went to library wit far,capa,dayah,aimi,mar n ain to prepare for 2moro's exhibition..(i'm not goin' lalala~) so i think i hav to help them prepare for tat since i'm not goin 2moro..(i'm a nice gurl!) on 2pm (yeah!) i went to d canteen to meet dilla.. i thought i was going to 'tumpang' her but apparently. she left me cuz her mom was in hurry! T_T lucky tat 2day my dad was at home so he could fetch me.. otherwise i hav to wait for my mum until 6pm! (no!!!!>0<)
1 more thing~ i'm going to sunway pyramid 2moro!! (tat's y la i cant go to skul..=p) yay!!wit dilla,alynn,amal n timah(maybe..she has to ask permision 1st..) finally!i'm goin out wit ma frens~ lalalala~~
this week's music bank (091023) has been canceled due to a broadcast of baseball etc,etc.. so Double S will be making their CB on 30th instead.. no wonder when i went to utube i didn't find the vid for music bank yesterday~
translation ( priority from up to down, right to left) :
kangin : juz me alone eeteuk : yoongwoon-ah, pluck one out and give it to me! kangin : but hyung, that’ll hurt eeteuk : it’s ok, i am SJ’s leader! heechul : yah, give me one too kangin : oh, hyung heechul : ah, somehow it hurts kangin : hyung, thanks.. hankyung : give me one too, idiot (inaccurate pronounciation) yesung : (takes one and go away) kangin : thanks, fren shindong : hyung, my body size is big, how about giving me 2? sungmin : hyung hwaiting! (goes away cutely) kangin : thanks.. eunhyuk : arh! it hurts.. kangin : this rascal… donghae : it’s ok (but he looks in pain) siwon : i can take this level of pain..(p.s : for this one i am not so sure about it..) kangin : thanks, rascal.. ryeowook : hyung, eat well~ kangin : of coz kangin : hey u still need to film movie, this… kibum : it’s ok kyuhyun : take my nail(?) away as well kangin : i’m ok ELF A : oppa, let me take away the last one! kangin : I am not alone. My members, my family and ELF are all wif me.. kangin : arh that.. ELF B : oppa, whr’s mine? kangin : it’s ok, it’s ok, i am fine now! thanks! ELF B : … ELF B : oh, ah, cannot.. kangin : ..? ELF B : (points at the ELF sea)
the last message :
“oppa, dont u remember?? we are EverLasting Friend”
my life after pmr is really fun! i mean,,u dun have to worry bout anything n do whatever u like whenever u like! isn't it cool?? hehe~ so i just mengadap pc hari2 frm mornin till evenin (sumtimes,it's nyte!;p) what else for? download~download~download i think i'll need new xternal soon.. i mean,very SOON! hmmm.i think i'm addicted to downloading la.. there such thing? LOL~ n while i was DL-ing,, to kill muh free tyme, i'll watch jDorama tat i took from amal.. it's really fun! but until now, i only finished 1 drama which is nobuta wo produce.. good drama i gotta say..n really funny too!
oh yeah..there's a bad thing happened to me today.. huh! n it's makin me really angry!! i was downloading dream con p1 which is 550MB when suddenly my internet connection stopped. n guess what? my download stopped 530MB!!! now,just because of 20MB, i've to download d 550Mb all over again.. huh..i dun care if it's stopped at 100MB or sumthing but 500?? tat's too much!T_T
2day they got back from genting.. how was it guys? it must be real fun huh?=) why o why daddy? why u didn't let me go?T_T when i'll go to genting...?
so..i'll stop here i think.. i really think tat blogging has improved my ability to babble! LOL~
p/s: not going 2 skul today..thinkin of not going 2moro too~
finally it's out! eventho it was released yesterday, i dun think tat it was too late to spazz over this album! ;p
one word to describe tis album: AWESOME! really! d songs were great n shinee were getting hotter n hotter! XD! one of d reason i love tis album is it expose more of other members vocals in each song than their previous abums.. n..taemin got more lines to sing! yay!! :) :)
you: omg! i fell in love with tis song from d very first time i hear it!!! n d lyrics r awesomely sweet!!!! gotta be one of shinee's best,you,you,you..
ring ding dong: at first i didn't like tis song cause i thought d song was kinda weird but it grows in me everytime i hear it..n hear i am addicted to tis song! ring diggy ding diggy ding ding ding!!
jo jo: LoL! what's up with d title? d first thing come into my mind when i read tis was jojo circus! haha! but actually tis song is great too.very catchy!n definitely love d chorus..hey my JoJo! yes my JoJo!
get down: ok,tis song cracks me up! d chorus 2 be exact.i dun know why but it knda funny especially d "get down!!" (after d "nanananana...").d verse is cool tho..btw, only Key+Minho feat Luna sing in tis song..
shinee girl: lurve d title! shinee girl~ hehe..cute song i think! d chorus is pretty catchy n i'm lovin it! kiss kiss kiss!
the name i loved: onew's first solo! been waiting for this..n what can i say? this song is extremely awesome!! his vocal is jjang!! i love tis song sooo much~
hmmm... i think i'm gonna do my personal rankings~^^
1-YOU 2-Ring ding dong 3-The Name I Loved 4-JoJo 5-Get down 6-SHINee girl
huh~ like d title said.. 2day is a very bo~~ring day!! g sekolah just nk siapkan buku koko then, hntr. tp ade satu mende best r...buku koko dh SIAP!!! haha! pas ni leh ar memonteng dgn jayanye..;p xtvt td... ktorg just dok lam kls (bo~~ring) tmah tdo alynn plak sebok ajr amal maen rubic cube.. n aku plak cbe nak memahamkan mende uh. mmg susa nk phm! tp aku rse klu dh pro sng alynn (jeles ni!!) one day i'm gonna master tis thing!!^_^ ps2 tetibe anissy bwk air bandung msk kls! masyuk siot!! (i'm fasting..enuff said^^)
huh~ pnt ar m'bebel.. nk g download+smbg tgk cter nobuta 山p cute! (alynn jgn mrh! XP)
miss them so much!! dorkies~ hurry up n comeback!!
cute!my hubbies~^^ fishie,hyukie,minnie,gamekyu~
yeah! in d mood of posting!! but act,, dun know what to post so i'll post pixs! haha!
ja ne!
hoho.. this is my first time blogging.. whoot whoot!! haha.. actually i'm not the type of people who like to keep a diary so i dun know why i want to set up tis blog.. (maybe bcuz of ma frens?hmmm..) but i'll try as hard as i can to update tis blog at least once a week... n i think i'm gonna use 'bahasa-rojak' LOL!
translation ( priority from up to down, right to left) :
kangin : juz me alone
eeteuk : yoongwoon-ah, pluck one out and give it to me!
kangin : but hyung, that’ll hurt
eeteuk : it’s ok, i am SJ’s leader!
heechul : yah, give me one too
kangin : oh, hyung
heechul : ah, somehow it hurts
kangin : hyung, thanks..
hankyung : give me one too, idiot (inaccurate pronounciation)
yesung : (takes one and go away)
kangin : thanks, fren
shindong : hyung, my body size is big, how about giving me 2?
sungmin : hyung hwaiting! (goes away cutely)
kangin : thanks..
eunhyuk : arh! it hurts..
kangin : this rascal…
donghae : it’s ok (but he looks in pain)
siwon : i can take this level of pain..(p.s : for this one i am not so sure about it..)
kangin : thanks, rascal..
ryeowook : hyung, eat well~
kangin : of coz
kangin : hey u still need to film movie, this…
kibum : it’s ok
kyuhyun : take my nail(?) away as well
kangin : i’m ok
ELF A : oppa, let me take away the last one!
kangin : I am not alone. My members, my family and ELF are all
wif me..
kangin : arh that..
ELF B : oppa, whr’s mine?
kangin : it’s ok, it’s ok, i am fine now! thanks!
ELF B : …
ELF B : oh, ah, cannot..
kangin : ..?
ELF B : (points at the ELF sea)
the last message :
“oppa, dont u remember??
we are EverLasting Friend”
cr: Rebecca@sapphirepearls
sweet huh?