what day is it? It's Teuk-Day!! XD
happy 27th birthday to my jagiya! ;p
have a bilssful birthday~
i hope tat u dont bcome severely depressed anymore..(seems impossible)
try sharing it with other ppl in ur life,kay?
cheer up please!!
lastly, good luck with ur career..hope u'll become korea's NO 1 MC one day!
n of course as a singer too..such a unique voice u've got~XD
ahh..one more! hope u'll find sumbody u love soon! =p (i can only dream rite? haha)
it's 28 in korea~=)
he composed this song with henry (SJM)
the song is from their latest reapckage album
such a sweet song with a sweeeet lyrics!
he said this is also for worldwide ELF (jom prasan jap~=p)
p/s: it's an early post bcuz i dun want this to be a late one.hahah
[RANDOM] Super Junior members' cars PART1
i came across this question earlier: what car super junior members drive?
so i googled it..found this~
Car Model: BMW 320i (Sedan)
Check it out: 1 2
Estimated cost: USD 44,000
ENGINE TYPE 1995cc in-line 4 cylinder
MAX POWER 150bhp at 6,200rpm
MAX TORQUE 200Nm at 3,600rpm
GEARBOX 6-speed automatic
TOP SPEED 215km/h
0-100 KM/H 9.7 seconds
It’s a reallly good continental car, and a pretty common sedan for luxurious use. Teuk’s got good taste! ^^ A BMW’s almost every potential luxury-car owner’s first choice, imo. The interior is oh-so-stunning and I bet everything else such as the specifications are the basis of car buyers who want to afford a BMW but can’t. Like me.me:*imagining tat im sitting beside him in that car~XD
+ Heechul, Kangin, Shindong, Eunhyuk, Siwon and Kibum’s…
Car Model: Peugeot 307cc (Coupe)
Check it out: 1 2
Estimated cost: USD 56,000
ENGINE TYPE 1997cc 16v in-line four
MAX POWER 143bhp at 6,000rpm
MAX TORQUE 200Nm at 4,000rpm
GEARBOX 4-speed automatic
TOP SPEED 206 km/h
0-100 KM/H 12.0 seconds
I saw this on the road the other day and I was ultimately jealous by the fact that IT’S A FREAKING CONVERTIBLE!!! Argh! The feeling of wind blowing in your hair, just leaves you breathless! XD Heenim, you rock. Thank you so much for making my eyeballs dilate. It’s pretty strange to imagine Heenim driving down the road in his Peugeot and blasting ‘Tell Me’ with Hankyung beside him and Kibum behind. Lol! (Someone said she saw him pick Kibum up)Kangin
Car Model: Lexus IS300 (Sedan)
Check it out: 1 2
Estimated cost: USD 55,000 – 64,000
ENGINE TYPE 3000cc, 24V V6
MAX POWER 205bhp at 6,200rpm
MAX TORQUE 252Nm at 3,400rpm
GEARBOX 6-speed automatic
TOP SPEED 225km/h
0-100KM/H 8.4 seconds
Lexus is a well-known Japanese brand that manufactures performance cars. AND IT’S HORRIBLY EXPENSIVE AS WELL. Kangin’s got a car next pricey as compared to Siwon’s. But, it can speed up to 100km/h in 8.4s!? That’s real cool.I think it suits him a lot. IMO, the car really gives Kangin lotsa pride… I bet he treats it like his precious baby. Haha!
p/s:he got a new car btw..Range Rover
Car Model: Honda CR-V (SUV)
Check it out: 1 2
Estimated cost: USD 30,000
ENGINE TYPE 2354cc, 16V in-line 4
MAX POWER 170bhp at 5,800rpm
MAX TORQUE 218Nm at 4,200rpm
GEARBOX 5-speed automatic
TOP SPEED 190km/h
0-100KM/H 11.0 seconds
A SUV’s really practical for all sorts. And Shindong’s smart to get one. However, this Honda CR-V’s top speed is comparably low to the others. Lol. But his car’s sooooo suave. Fits his image wellp/s:he had changed his car to Mercedes Benz SL ClassicIt’s a really manly car. *____* Lol, his vehicle reminds me of 4-wheel driving. I’d very much like to try that again one day! With me being the driver, heh!
Car Model: Hyundai Grandeur/Azera (Sedan)
Check it out: 1 2
Estimated cost: USD 33,000 – 43,000
ENGINE TYPE 3342cc, 24V V6
MAX POWER 235bhp at 6,000rpm
MAX TORQUE 304Nm at 3,500rpm
GEARBOX 5-speed automatic
TOP SPEED 235km/h
0-100 KM/H 8.8 seconds
Hyukjaeeeee’s the 2nd one next to Kibum who’s a proud owner of a locally-made car. Lol, I’ve seen Samsung cars in Korea and I heard they’re really good performance cars as well, but I’m wondering why no one in Suju (or none that I know of) owns one. Still, the Grandeur’s real slick as well. Good choice, Eunhyukieee!
P/S: he got a new car: "Eunhyuk's newest car is Audi A6."(from twitter XD)
SiwonCar Model: Audi TT (Coupe)
Check it out: 1 2
Estimated cost: USD 73,000 – 95,000
ENGINE TYPE 1984cc, 16V in-line 4
MAX POWER 200bhp at 5100-6000rpm
MAX TORQUE 280Nm at 1800-5000rpm
GEARBOX 6-speed semi-automatic
TOP SPEED 240km/h
0-100 KM/H 6.4 seconds
Now we come to our young master Siwon. SIWON YOU ARE LIVING IN SUCH AUTOMOBILE LUXURY. *____* I bet the Audi’s many people’s dream cars. It’s just so…. freaking luxurious! Gosh! Almost USD 100,000 without taxes! THAT’S A LOT. It’s a true blue sports car that can go up to speeds of 240km/h! WOWWW. And look at that, 0-100km/h in 6.4s! I wonder if he goes around ferrying people and cruising down highways. Btw, it’s only a 2 seater. So perhaps, no more love triangles for Eunsihae or Hanchulwon? XDKibum
(dunno if it's this version tho..but kinda looks d same XD)
Car Model: Daewoo Matiz City (Compact)
Check it out: 1 2
Estimated cost: Unknown
ENGINE TYPE 995cc, 24V V2
MAX POWER 63.3bhp at 5,400rpm
MAX TORQUE 87Nm at 4,200rpm
GEARBOX 5-speed automatic
TOP SPEED 152km/h
0-100 KM/H 13.7 seconds
Mr “Die-Smile” got the most economical and practical car ever! He’s so thrifty! Ahhhh ♥ Although his car is comparably smaller than the rest’s, I guess it’s a nifty gritty car which gets you on the move. And that’s what’s most important right? To get you to places. He’s still young, so there are more opportunities for him to indulge in almost every guy’s car-admiring hobby. Lol.Alright, these are the car models of the Suju boys I know of. I know Kyu drives but I think it’s his family car and I haven’t seen a picture of it, so… yeah. Those who look like they’d get luxury cars as well as cars for practical use are all stated here, aye? ^^ I wonder if Hankyung’s got a car in Korea too. He talked about buying either a car or a house on YSMM, lol. It cracks me up everytime I think of it! Haha! And I realized most of them love having white cars. Erm, okay, it’s either white, black or silver. XD![]()
wow..siwon's car is d most xpensive one..
it's just perfect!
handsome guy driving gorgeous xpensive car..perfect husband candidate~=p
he had d same car as hyukie..
their car~EunHae ftw!XD
their car~EunHae ftw!XD

the gardens
do u know that in d gardens there is a department store named robinsons and in it there's basic house..a shop tat sells clothes n stuffs which is from korea
moreover one of d endorsers is kim hyunjoong!so u can see big posters of him in d shop (most probably)
click for a larger view~
okay lets stop babbling bout tat..
actually,i followed my mom to mid yesterday..she was meeting her old friend
n i have some maxis stuffs to do at d gardens~(changing my mom's name to mine XD)
tell u what..we waited for more than an hour n when it's finally my turn..it only takes less than 10 minutes!whathaheaven!
after that..my mom's fren treat us at a restaurant, Madam Kwan's
my 1st time eating there!haha (thanks auntie!=D)
i ate dumpling soup,this is what it looks like~=p
at last i went to a small corner (berry small!) which no one cares to go~haha
after that we headed home..=)
n today..i went to alamanda..we planned to watch karate kid but d earliest show is on 3.30pm which is too late for us..so..cancelled d plan~=(
i went to mph..bought 20ties girls..haha
and also on wed i got d PPS lawatan to shah alam book fest
moreover one of d endorsers is kim hyunjoong!so u can see big posters of him in d shop (most probably)
click for a larger view~
(d quality sucks!>_<)
actually,i followed my mom to mid yesterday..she was meeting her old friend
n i have some maxis stuffs to do at d gardens~(changing my mom's name to mine XD)
tell u what..we waited for more than an hour n when it's finally my turn..it only takes less than 10 minutes!whathaheaven!
after that..my mom's fren treat us at a restaurant, Madam Kwan's
my 1st time eating there!haha (thanks auntie!=D)
i ate dumpling soup,this is what it looks like~=p
the dumpling soup
the dumpling~
but she said (mom friend) the fried kuey teow there is delicious!
nex time i'll try tat~=p
after tat when to d surau which is xtremely packed! ppl hav to queue for their turn! dh la mse nk habis ..at last i went to a small corner (berry small!) which no one cares to go~haha
after that we headed home..=)
n today..i went to alamanda..we planned to watch karate kid but d earliest show is on 3.30pm which is too late for us..so..cancelled d plan~=(
i went to mph..bought 20ties girls..haha
lap cam~LOL
then..we went to rasa for lunch..
thought of trying d honey bbq chicken rice..but it's not available~T_T
i ate char kuey teow..(x sdp pun..-_-)
tomoro i got explorace..so kinda xcited for it..hehe
n this (coming) week is really a great one bcuz of this:
tues: 1700-SGB (with 2pm!!woohoo pity thres no junK =\)
wed: 1815-dream team (with suju!!!not all of em tho..)
and also on wed i got d PPS lawatan to shah alam book fest
(hopefully it dont get cancel at last minute AGAIN..-_-)
one more thing!
hav u guys drink this?
it's delicious!!! (for me) hehe
try it!!
go tropical fruits~XD
Min's day!!
actually,,it's kyuhyun's part but since he's resting bcuz of his surgery..
sungminnie sings his part~
the first time he sang it..it did sounds off but thats normal la..hehe
he keeps getting better rite??just watch d vid..XD
theres saying that his throat was hurt bcuz he keep practising this part...
No Other but Super Junior
p/s:klu nk tgk lyric die kne g description page~=)
i like this song bcuz it gives the laidback feels~haha
n there's no more autotune!!woohoo~
n we can here their sweet voices n this song..kekeke~
but this song is very western-ish i think (well ofcoz look who produced it?haha)
all in all..try giving this song a listen!
khun Day!
waaa!!today's act khunie's oppa bday!! (just switched on my phone)
no wonder la i felt that today theres sumone's bday but i cant just remember who!hhaha
kekeke~how dare u forgot my bday???!!
saengil chuka hae!
selamat hari jadi!
sook sun wan gerd!!
happy birthday to nichkhun horvejkul!!
saranghae-yo! XD
saranghae-yo! XD
early days~10 out of 10!!=p
can u teach me how to ride a bike?hehe
today i got my barab exam paper back (as well as d others: bio,chemy,sv)
n smthg really embarassing happened during barab period
gosh, im never ever want to ask ustz questions while he's in class!syresly!
ok,bm mode =p
biase la kan..bile dh dpt kts mst nak tye knp mcm ni, what's d rite answer,etc etc
so dilla n I wanted to ask smthg frm ustz..
so we waved at him,asking him to come to our place.
but,he asked us to come to him (dpn klas and kt meja sumbody la)
ktorg pun mcm..err xpela ust..hehe
then ust kept asking us to come over there.,last2 ktorg pun pegi (dgn berat hatinya)
rse mmg ktorg jd center of attention of d class la hari ni..x_x
lagi satu..incident..me,alone >_<
cm2 jugak la..dpn klas but this tyme me ALONE haha!
i kept refusing and in the end when ust period was over, he asked me again
so i was like..ok whatever..pegi je la dpn uhh
bygkn la..btpe tebalnye muke saye ktike itu!uwaa!!
my ears felt so hot cuz my blood is rising up (tat occurs when i was too shy LOL)
i tried to kept the i-dun-care-whatever face as best as i can while im in front..
(da la dpn meje dak2 tepi pintu yihh!!!!)
but god knows what happens inside me..haha!
so tat's it the barab-period-drama finally over!
filzah said tat d whole class is watching us! (i hope she's wrong~)
n smthg really embarassing happened during barab period
gosh, im never ever want to ask ustz questions while he's in class!syresly!
ok,bm mode =p
biase la kan..bile dh dpt kts mst nak tye knp mcm ni, what's d rite answer,etc etc
so dilla n I wanted to ask smthg frm ustz..
so we waved at him,asking him to come to our place.
but,he asked us to come to him (dpn klas and kt meja sumbody la)
ktorg pun mcm..err xpela ust..hehe
then ust kept asking us to come over there.,last2 ktorg pun pegi (dgn berat hatinya)
rse mmg ktorg jd center of attention of d class la hari ni..x_x
lagi satu..incident..me,alone >_<
cm2 jugak la..dpn klas but this tyme me ALONE haha!
i kept refusing and in the end when ust period was over, he asked me again
so i was like..ok whatever..pegi je la dpn uhh
bygkn la..btpe tebalnye muke saye ktike itu!uwaa!!
my ears felt so hot cuz my blood is rising up (tat occurs when i was too shy LOL)
i tried to kept the i-dun-care-whatever face as best as i can while im in front..
(da la dpn meje dak2 tepi pintu yihh!!!!)
but god knows what happens inside me..haha!
so tat's it the barab-period-drama finally over!
filzah said tat d whole class is watching us! (i hope she's wrong~)
i want to xpress my endless frustration here..
it's none other than add math!!!!
oh gosh~~~
no wonder la i got a very-very gud marks for my paper2..
there's soooooooooooooo many careless mistake!!!
i feel like punching muhself rite now!!!!!yihh!!
as u know, in +math if u do one step wrong it will affect d entire works n eventually ur answer will be wrong too..T_T
im just so frustrated..why did i make some stupid mistakes???
this is what'll happen if u get overconfident for some certain questions (like, the EASY ones?=@)
the same goes for chemy..
huhh..i think i'll need a magnifying glass the nex time i do my tests..-_-'
p/s:calmed muhself down with dancing. btw,it does help..=p
i want to xpress my endless frustration here..
it's none other than add math!!!!
oh gosh~~~
no wonder la i got a very-very gud marks for my paper2..
there's soooooooooooooo many careless mistake!!!
i feel like punching muhself rite now!!!!!yihh!!
as u know, in +math if u do one step wrong it will affect d entire works n eventually ur answer will be wrong too..T_T
im just so frustrated..why did i make some stupid mistakes???
this is what'll happen if u get overconfident for some certain questions (like, the EASY ones?=@)
the same goes for chemy..
huhh..i think i'll need a magnifying glass the nex time i do my tests..-_-'
p/s:calmed muhself down with dancing. btw,it does help..=p
super junior's eternal magnae!
saengil chuka hamnida,
saengil chuka hamnnida,
saranghanueun uri ryeowookie..
saengil chuka hamnida!!!
yes, today, 21st june 2010 is wookie's 24th bday! (intnl:23)
hope u'll be a successful composer one day!
take care of ur health and stay happy!
saranghae!<3 <3 <3!! XD
saengil chuka hamnnida,
saranghanueun uri ryeowookie..
saengil chuka hamnida!!!
yes, today, 21st june 2010 is wookie's 24th bday! (intnl:23)
hope u'll be a successful composer one day!
take care of ur health and stay happy!
saranghae!<3 <3 <3!! XD
transformation complete!^_^
stay passionate in singing!=)
and stay cute!=p
his cake,given by the fan..looks yummy isn't it?*_*
once an elf,forever an elf
i happened to read this article in SP
n feel very responsible to post this in here..
i cant help but getting tear-eyed...=(
lets support sj!!
final sales and final award
Time flies, and Bonamana has already been out for a month. Super Junior’s 3rd album is very popular in every corner in Asia, and we can still feel the heat of Sorry Sorry. However, what is in front of us is the 4th album Bonamana,and sadly to say,that’s very probably our last album.
We should not stick in the success of Sorry Sorry, and we should not stick in 200,000 pre-order of Bonamana. We still have a lot more to do.
We think the title song Bonamana is great and catchy, but does anyone know how the Koreans respond to this new song?
In fact, their position in Korea is not high, and SM does not really want to promote the group.From the low-cost MV, we can see how the company thinks about the group.
The result of SJ is all their effort.

And how about the result of the 4th album? We won MB(Music Bank) for 3 weeks continuously, and everytime it depended on Album Sales. When our album sales were high, the total score was high. And when the sales fell, the total score dropped immediately. Last week we were in the 4th place, this week we were in the 5th. This is the 4th Album that we have been longing for, do you just want to end it now??

And Album Sales took a major part for the winning groups of these two weeks.

Although Digital Scores make up a greater portion, it is not easy to boost it up right away. Moreover, as overseas ELFs, we cannot listen through Melon and Bugs, so we basically can help nothing.

Korean ELF suggestion: to help SJ get back the 1st place, the quickest and best way will be boosting the album sales.
Lets look at our Album Sales data from Hanteo:
Week 1(5/13——5/16):A ver.-62270,B ver.-not released (MB Album score12145)
Week 2(5/17——5/23):A ver.-41204,B ver.-28417 (MB Album score10387)
Week 3(5/24——5/30):A ver.-6286,B ver.-11053 (MB Album score5505)
Week 4(5/31——6/6):A ver.-4603,B ver.-3603 (MB Album score2394)
Week 5(6/7——6/13):A ver.-2811,B ver.-836 (MB Album score1917)
Week 6(6/14——6/20):A ver.-687,B ver.-620(until 18/6)
See our sales record? Do you think we can win again?
Do you think we can get 13 champions as EunHyuk has said in Twitter?
Getting 13 champions has always been SJ members’ dream, and we missed that for the 3rd album. Will they still have the chance to get 13 champions? Probably this is the last chance. From the 13-member group to the 12-member Sorry Sorry, from the 12-member SS2 to the 11-member SS2, and now is the 10-member 4th album and SS3. We have gone through so much, and do we still don’t know what is in front of us?
HeeChul is happy to see lots of ELF cheering for them in live shows and they received lots of presents from ELF , but he said in Young Street, “I don’t need any cheering and present, but I want to see the sales of the 4th album reaching 500,000.”
Can you see it? SJ’s expectation, SJ’s effort for Bonamana. HeeChul’s leg is not that well because of the accident in 2006. He appeared in the last part of Sorry Sorry for 4 seconds only because he couldn’t dance violently, but for Bonamana, he danced for the whole song. And KyuHyun, who was never considered as a dancer, is one of the main dancers of Bonamana. Please remember that he had a serious car accident three years ago, and almost lost his life. During Bonamana’s practice, he had also hurt his leg. And our leader LeeTeuk, while having a very packed schedule, he is practicing for Bonamana every day. These causes his waist hurting again and again, and unable to sit well.
Our old members LeeTeuk and HeeChul both said in the Fan Meeting that they have already reached the age to get into the army, and the end of next year will be the latest time.
Please don’t expect SJ still can be on the stage without some members.Kangin is going to join the army in July and be back 2 yrs later.Then the other members in and out for 2 yrs and 2 yrs alternatively.How many 2 yrs we have to wait for the next album?Also,without core members,SJ will not be as popular as now.We can only expect the 4th album is our most brilliant era.Reality is reality.
That’s why they put everything on the 4th album, hoping that we can go through it, and then we may still be able to see SJ on stage. If the 4th is not going to succeed, the chance to see them again is very small.Leeteuk said in Strong Heart:”Nothing lasts forever.”
Why do they have to work so hard? All because they want SJ to continue.Do you share the same thought with them?

The music score of Bonamana is not ideal. During Sorry Sorry period, even though we didn’t win, we were the 1st runner-up. But how about now? We are at the 5th place, and next week, we could rank even lower.
Are we going to let SJ stop here? No!
Their new song is coming soon, Music Bank and Inkigayo will count the sales of version C.We cannot help with Digital scores, so we should help with album sales. However, since Golden Disk only counts Version A, so when you bulk order version C, it will be great if you can buy version A again, as many as possible for both versions.They are equally important!
Korean and Chinese ELFs are already organizing the 2nd bulk order of Version A.Then before the year-end awards,they will organize the bulk order of Version A again.

We are not in advantage since the very strong group Big Bang is going to comeback soon,and there is a half more year to go, that means our ranking in the yearly chart can change easily.
For the sake of winning in the year-end awards, I wish foreign ELF can buy version A once more directly from Korea when you buy version C,so we can increase the sales difference between us and the 2nd position on the 2010 album sales chart.You are part of the ELF family,right?
You should not buy from your own country because that will not be counted.The chart is based on the sales at Korean domestics CD stores.Only those albums purchased from Korean local stores will be counted.
Also,The chart only reflects the sales of Korean Version albums.Taiwanese version, Japanese version, Hong Kong version, Pirated version, they are all not counted.

If you can, please try not to buy version C during the first week when it is released, but the next few weeks, so that the number of sales can be spreaded, and the music scores can be high for few more weeks.
Please make all your effort to let SJ win in all Korean music ceremonies.At least they can leave with victory. If this is going to be the last album,why not make it the best one and end it with the love of all ELF?Why not make sure there’s no any regret.
Please fight together and tell everyone that ELFs are the strongest fans in the world.

Please share this note by yourself and spread it wherever you go.
I hope you can pose this on your wall,your groups and pages,or your blogs and twitter.
If you know who can organize the bulk order,please let me know so that i can help to promote.
Thanks for your effort!
Please love them more……..
Always being happy on stage? Behind the camera, SJ is teary:
What you see isn’t true – SJ isn’t a happy group:
Not every fans can be called as ELF:
Credits: LaiLai
Translated by: Clarice Fung
p/s:sm is really one hella stupid comp if they dont want to promote them anymore..just wth??
n feel very responsible to post this in here..
i cant help but getting tear-eyed...=(
lets support sj!!
final sales and final award
Time flies, and Bonamana has already been out for a month. Super Junior’s 3rd album is very popular in every corner in Asia, and we can still feel the heat of Sorry Sorry. However, what is in front of us is the 4th album Bonamana,and sadly to say,that’s very probably our last album.
We should not stick in the success of Sorry Sorry, and we should not stick in 200,000 pre-order of Bonamana. We still have a lot more to do.
We think the title song Bonamana is great and catchy, but does anyone know how the Koreans respond to this new song?
In fact, their position in Korea is not high, and SM does not really want to promote the group.From the low-cost MV, we can see how the company thinks about the group.
The result of SJ is all their effort.
And how about the result of the 4th album? We won MB(Music Bank) for 3 weeks continuously, and everytime it depended on Album Sales. When our album sales were high, the total score was high. And when the sales fell, the total score dropped immediately. Last week we were in the 4th place, this week we were in the 5th. This is the 4th Album that we have been longing for, do you just want to end it now??
And Album Sales took a major part for the winning groups of these two weeks.
Although Digital Scores make up a greater portion, it is not easy to boost it up right away. Moreover, as overseas ELFs, we cannot listen through Melon and Bugs, so we basically can help nothing.
Korean ELF suggestion: to help SJ get back the 1st place, the quickest and best way will be boosting the album sales.
Lets look at our Album Sales data from Hanteo:
Week 1(5/13——5/16):A ver.-62270,B ver.-not released (MB Album score12145)
Week 2(5/17——5/23):A ver.-41204,B ver.-28417 (MB Album score10387)
Week 3(5/24——5/30):A ver.-6286,B ver.-11053 (MB Album score5505)
Week 4(5/31——6/6):A ver.-4603,B ver.-3603 (MB Album score2394)
Week 5(6/7——6/13):A ver.-2811,B ver.-836 (MB Album score1917)
Week 6(6/14——6/20):A ver.-687,B ver.-620(until 18/6)
See our sales record? Do you think we can win again?
Do you think we can get 13 champions as EunHyuk has said in Twitter?
Getting 13 champions has always been SJ members’ dream, and we missed that for the 3rd album. Will they still have the chance to get 13 champions? Probably this is the last chance. From the 13-member group to the 12-member Sorry Sorry, from the 12-member SS2 to the 11-member SS2, and now is the 10-member 4th album and SS3. We have gone through so much, and do we still don’t know what is in front of us?
HeeChul is happy to see lots of ELF cheering for them in live shows and they received lots of presents from ELF , but he said in Young Street, “I don’t need any cheering and present, but I want to see the sales of the 4th album reaching 500,000.”
Can you see it? SJ’s expectation, SJ’s effort for Bonamana. HeeChul’s leg is not that well because of the accident in 2006. He appeared in the last part of Sorry Sorry for 4 seconds only because he couldn’t dance violently, but for Bonamana, he danced for the whole song. And KyuHyun, who was never considered as a dancer, is one of the main dancers of Bonamana. Please remember that he had a serious car accident three years ago, and almost lost his life. During Bonamana’s practice, he had also hurt his leg. And our leader LeeTeuk, while having a very packed schedule, he is practicing for Bonamana every day. These causes his waist hurting again and again, and unable to sit well.
Our old members LeeTeuk and HeeChul both said in the Fan Meeting that they have already reached the age to get into the army, and the end of next year will be the latest time.
Please don’t expect SJ still can be on the stage without some members.Kangin is going to join the army in July and be back 2 yrs later.Then the other members in and out for 2 yrs and 2 yrs alternatively.How many 2 yrs we have to wait for the next album?Also,without core members,SJ will not be as popular as now.We can only expect the 4th album is our most brilliant era.Reality is reality.
That’s why they put everything on the 4th album, hoping that we can go through it, and then we may still be able to see SJ on stage. If the 4th is not going to succeed, the chance to see them again is very small.Leeteuk said in Strong Heart:”Nothing lasts forever.”
Why do they have to work so hard? All because they want SJ to continue.Do you share the same thought with them?
The music score of Bonamana is not ideal. During Sorry Sorry period, even though we didn’t win, we were the 1st runner-up. But how about now? We are at the 5th place, and next week, we could rank even lower.
Are we going to let SJ stop here? No!
Their new song is coming soon, Music Bank and Inkigayo will count the sales of version C.We cannot help with Digital scores, so we should help with album sales. However, since Golden Disk only counts Version A, so when you bulk order version C, it will be great if you can buy version A again, as many as possible for both versions.They are equally important!
Korean and Chinese ELFs are already organizing the 2nd bulk order of Version A.Then before the year-end awards,they will organize the bulk order of Version A again.
We are not in advantage since the very strong group Big Bang is going to comeback soon,and there is a half more year to go, that means our ranking in the yearly chart can change easily.
For the sake of winning in the year-end awards, I wish foreign ELF can buy version A once more directly from Korea when you buy version C,so we can increase the sales difference between us and the 2nd position on the 2010 album sales chart.You are part of the ELF family,right?
You should not buy from your own country because that will not be counted.The chart is based on the sales at Korean domestics CD stores.Only those albums purchased from Korean local stores will be counted.
Also,The chart only reflects the sales of Korean Version albums.Taiwanese version, Japanese version, Hong Kong version, Pirated version, they are all not counted.
If you can, please try not to buy version C during the first week when it is released, but the next few weeks, so that the number of sales can be spreaded, and the music scores can be high for few more weeks.
Please make all your effort to let SJ win in all Korean music ceremonies.At least they can leave with victory. If this is going to be the last album,why not make it the best one and end it with the love of all ELF?Why not make sure there’s no any regret.
Please fight together and tell everyone that ELFs are the strongest fans in the world.
Please share this note by yourself and spread it wherever you go.
I hope you can pose this on your wall,your groups and pages,or your blogs and twitter.
If you know who can organize the bulk order,please let me know so that i can help to promote.
Thanks for your effort!
Please love them more……..
Always being happy on stage? Behind the camera, SJ is teary:
What you see isn’t true – SJ isn’t a happy group:
Not every fans can be called as ELF:
Credits: LaiLai
Translated by: Clarice Fung
p/s:sm is really one hella stupid comp if they dont want to promote them anymore..just wth??
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