khungkhungkhung !
haha! today i watched 2pm's idol army ep 1..
man..it was damn funny!!! i laughed till my stomach hurts~
actually..i've known abt this show for a long time..but i'm only be able to watch them
today..well, i was busy with pmr back then~
for those who havent watch this..i urge u..to watch it!!!
d highlight for this eps was d khungkhungda game (did i spell it rite?)
but d funny thing is d punishment..some of them r really beyond d imagination~
haha..kinda harsh..esp chansungs..poor him~n also..jay's punishment..
d worst of all!!! but d funniest!!LOL!!!!
also,today i worked hard in 2od forum..
for what?? to achieve 35 post target..
with that i'll be able to access some IMPORTANT thread..
well, d time2sub2 acc in YT has been suspended so, d vids in it
got deleted..(%^*^$%$%*&&^YT!)
d vids r available in d forum BUT..
i've to download them! >_< still considering it~ hehe!!=)
tomorrow i'll balik to kelantan for aidiladha~ since we didn't balik there for aidilfitri.. i really10x hope tat there'll be no jam..(well, impossible isn't it?)
but i think we will take d long way to avoid d jam..
kelantan is sooooo packed when raya season..
i dun know for aidiladha but i hope it's not as packed as aidilfitri..
so now i'm preparing for 4 days in kampung..
charging my mp3&4..
get enuff dose of internet..=p
n ofcoz..packing! (already done~)
so tats all 4 now~
ja ne!
again and again and again and again!
seems like i'm very rajin 2 update these days..
haha~well..it's a gud thing ryte?
2day i want 2 post about a clip tat i found in YT~
LOL! totally made my day!
my wooyoungie~~~~
(far: ok2..'our' =p)
ja ne!
seems like i'm very rajin 2 update these days..
haha~well..it's a gud thing ryte?
2day i want 2 post about a clip tat i found in YT~
LOL! totally made my day!
my wooyoungie~~~~
(far: ok2..'our' =p)
ja ne!
i found these when i'm at myhottest forum earlier..
why..i cant stop smiling rite now??*_*
*off to rewatch wild bunny =)*
really hope the thing in d pic will happens
btw, d pic is kawaiii!!
kebengangan yg nyate~
*gmbr tade kaitan dgn post*
skrg ni ble dikatekan..sye agak bengang~
td lg bengang sbnrnye..tp dh lme2 ni
smakin bkrg la kebengangan itu..
(ape yg aku melalut ni...?)
hujan oh hujan~
bkn nye x bersyukur sbb die turun..
bsyukur sgt..
tp stp kali hjn..
message yg sgt dsnangi rmi akn kuar..
'currently service is unavailable'
mmg membengangkan!!
agk bnyk kali gak r mende ni jd..
dh r mmg jrg tgk tv..tmbh2 jrg la jdnye skrg ni..
hri 2 xdpt tgk gossip girl (dh r 1kali smggu je!)
ps2 td...
nmpknye kene r tggu 2weeks lg nk tgk MB hri ni pye kt tv..
(kt tenet bebile je ble~)
conclusion:sye mmg bengang!
outing with frens is really fun!~
yesterday i went to sunway pyramid~
with dilla,alynn,amal n sofea
finally!! after so many obstacles..
we managed to go at last!
yay for us!
it was real fun! i'll never be able 2 forget~
btw,,it was my very first outing with friends!XD
but sadly..my mom said no more outing for tis year..T_T
n they (dilla n alynn) already plan for d next one 2 SP again! huwaaaa!!!
but i still can go nex year..(hope so..=_=)
ok..account for yesterday..=)
Dilla's mom picked me up at my home at 8.40 smthg..(she fetched alynn earlier)
then we go to ukm komuter station..
amal n peah was already waiting for us there..
haha..n there's smthg funny happened to amal n peah..they were been
disturbed by 'somebody' while waiting for us..
then we got on d train to kl sentral..it was kinda a long journey..
(d train was slow!)but we killed d time with chit-chatting..haha, i think we r d noisiest grup in d train..but who cares?it's not like the people even know us!=p
after we arrived at kl sentral, we hurried to d next train which arrived 10 mins later..(=_=)
when d train arrived we got onto it..
and again..a long journey (but not as long as d 1st one~)
suddenly..we heard an announcement..saying tat there is a
'technical prob n all d passengers will hav to get down at d next station'..how lame!
n when we got down there's one more announcement saying tat..'d next train will arrive in 30 mins' 30 mins????wow..we cant wait for tat long..n finally we decide to take a cab staright to sunway pyramid..n we got there in less than 10mins..
d first thing we did when we arrived there was bowling! it was my first time playing bowling
n it's very fun!! altho i missed so many time..T_T
we just had one game n altho i want to extend it..but we hav no time..
so d champion of d day was..amal or peah? (i didn't remember)
but they were so good~
after tat..we went to burger king..
at 1st alynn n me (esp me..) want to buy some ice cream at baskin robbin..
but after thinking of how much money we hav to spend there..
we decided to buy ice cream from BK instead..(my fav ice cream!)
but amal didnt like it cuz she didn't like milk (the ice cream's taste was very milk-like)
dilla brought 'bekal' so we eat it there too..n tat was our lunch!
(i didn't fell tat hungry yesterday..maybe it's bcuz i'm so xcited..?)
after tat we hurried to find 'musolla'
next,, we went to d ice skating place..
it costs me RM21 (tix=rm13+glove=rm8) so xpensive!!
(i mean d glove..i'll never 'hilangkan' d glove! -_-)
after we get ready..my adventure begun!!haha!!
i'm a first timer..so tat xplains everything..
at first it was very scary cuz it's very slippery~
i was with dilla at tat time n i'm holding her hand tightly..
haha i was very afraid of falling down! after a few round..
i changed my partner to peah..
i've got to tell smthg..when we are skating there..
we'll never care about image anymore..(for me la..XP)
i just care about how to skate rite!LOL~
i think i falled for about 3-4 times? but it's not tat hurt..
my pants was damn wet! n when we about to get out from there..
i tried to skate by myself..n think i was getting better~
'm not just walking but i also did 'some' skating..well, little to be exact..=D
i think it's better to skate on ur own cuz when we hav partner,
'll depend more on our partner so we'll fall many time~
but i still prefer with partner cuz if u r alone n when u fall,there's nobody will help u!
(but not in dilla's case..=p)
haha..there's smthg happened to dilla n alynn while they were skating..dilla to be exact..
i was skating alone so i only know about this after i got out from d arena..
falled down 2 times n 4 d first one, an indian guy helped her n
for d 2nd time..jackpot!!!haha..she's getting help from an attendance (?) there..
we called him 'abgkasut' cuz he was in charge 4 d shoes n he resembles someone.
his look was not bad n i think he kinda resembles joaquin in cheetah girls 2..
well maybe it's just me..XD
she tries to snap some pixs of him n ofcoz..failed to do so..
n worse than tat...he notices tat she's trying to snap him! it was really embarassing!
haha..it was me who notice tat he notices us n he was smiling!!
after tat he went to d exit..
alynn's theory (which i think 95% rite) tat he was going to wait for us at d exit to give us a chance to snap him..unfortunately we was soooo embarassed tat we just passed him without looking at him!
i was telling dilla to just get it over n ask him for his pix..
but ofcoz she was toooo shy to do so n we wasted our time for about 15-20 mins trying to find d solution!
well, xcept for alynn n me..we went to play..i dun know what's d name..
n after we finished playing..they still didn't manage to get his pic!
i was like..hurry,hurry! it's 4.15 already!
n finally, they made a decision tat amal will ask for a worker there to call 'abgkasut' since he's no longer at d exit..
sadly d worker said tat he's going out for lunch or tea or whatsoever..
so, our mission failed..n dilla was so sad.
actually she had so many chances to ask for his pic but bcuz of her 'shyness' she wasted all d chances..
b4 we got out from SP, we dropped by at famous amos
cuz amal wanted to buy smthg for her adik2 at home..such a gud sis~
peah n me bought some cookies..
after tat,we hurried to d exit as we're already late..
or I'M already late..
luckily,there's a taxi at d entrance and we took it to setia jaya commuter station..
we bought tix to ukm n it costs us 4.60 xcept for peah,
she bought tix to bangi n it costs her 4.80..
we arrived at kl sentral at 5 smthg..
n man..d train was so damn packed!!!! n dilla concluded, "sardin lg selesa drpd ni.."
so again we killed d time with chit-chating n finally we arrived at ukm station at 6 smthg..
we left peah alone in d train as she will get down at d next station..
we said our gudbye to her~
dilla's mom was already waiting for us outside so dilla,alynn n me said our gudbye to amal cuz her dad hasn't arrive yet..
dilla's mom dropped me in front of my house..(thx auntie!)
fortunately, my parents were not home yet..
so i was saved from being scolded for coming home late..
act, my parents told me to get home early cuz
they dont want me to be in d packed train..
but for me, i dont really mind about tat~^_^
wow..what a long post i wrote..
haha..i dont force anybody to read this..
ja ne!
yesterday i went to sunway pyramid~
with dilla,alynn,amal n sofea
finally!! after so many obstacles..
we managed to go at last!
yay for us!
it was real fun! i'll never be able 2 forget~
btw,,it was my very first outing with friends!XD
but sadly..my mom said no more outing for tis year..T_T
n they (dilla n alynn) already plan for d next one 2 SP again! huwaaaa!!!
but i still can go nex year..(hope so..=_=)
ok..account for yesterday..=)
Dilla's mom picked me up at my home at 8.40 smthg..(she fetched alynn earlier)
then we go to ukm komuter station..
amal n peah was already waiting for us there..
haha..n there's smthg funny happened to amal n peah..they were been
disturbed by 'somebody' while waiting for us..
then we got on d train to kl sentral..it was kinda a long journey..
(d train was slow!)but we killed d time with chit-chatting..haha, i think we r d noisiest grup in d train..but who cares?it's not like the people even know us!=p
after we arrived at kl sentral, we hurried to d next train which arrived 10 mins later..(=_=)
when d train arrived we got onto it..
and again..a long journey (but not as long as d 1st one~)
suddenly..we heard an announcement..saying tat there is a
'technical prob n all d passengers will hav to get down at d next station'..how lame!
n when we got down there's one more announcement saying tat..'d next train will arrive in 30 mins' 30 mins????wow..we cant wait for tat long..n finally we decide to take a cab staright to sunway pyramid..n we got there in less than 10mins..
d first thing we did when we arrived there was bowling! it was my first time playing bowling
n it's very fun!! altho i missed so many time..T_T
we just had one game n altho i want to extend it..but we hav no time..
so d champion of d day was..amal or peah? (i didn't remember)
but they were so good~
after tat..we went to burger king..
at 1st alynn n me (esp me..) want to buy some ice cream at baskin robbin..
but after thinking of how much money we hav to spend there..
we decided to buy ice cream from BK instead..(my fav ice cream!)
but amal didnt like it cuz she didn't like milk (the ice cream's taste was very milk-like)
dilla brought 'bekal' so we eat it there too..n tat was our lunch!
(i didn't fell tat hungry yesterday..maybe it's bcuz i'm so xcited..?)
after tat we hurried to find 'musolla'
next,, we went to d ice skating place..
it costs me RM21 (tix=rm13+glove=rm8) so xpensive!!
(i mean d glove..i'll never 'hilangkan' d glove! -_-)
after we get ready..my adventure begun!!haha!!
i'm a first timer..so tat xplains everything..
at first it was very scary cuz it's very slippery~
i was with dilla at tat time n i'm holding her hand tightly..
haha i was very afraid of falling down! after a few round..
i changed my partner to peah..
i've got to tell smthg..when we are skating there..
we'll never care about image anymore..(for me la..XP)
i just care about how to skate rite!LOL~
i think i falled for about 3-4 times? but it's not tat hurt..
my pants was damn wet! n when we about to get out from there..
i tried to skate by myself..n think i was getting better~
'm not just walking but i also did 'some' skating..well, little to be exact..=D
i think it's better to skate on ur own cuz when we hav partner,
'll depend more on our partner so we'll fall many time~
but i still prefer with partner cuz if u r alone n when u fall,there's nobody will help u!
(but not in dilla's case..=p)
haha..there's smthg happened to dilla n alynn while they were skating..dilla to be exact..
i was skating alone so i only know about this after i got out from d arena..
falled down 2 times n 4 d first one, an indian guy helped her n
for d 2nd time..jackpot!!!haha..she's getting help from an attendance (?) there..
we called him 'abgkasut' cuz he was in charge 4 d shoes n he resembles someone.
his look was not bad n i think he kinda resembles joaquin in cheetah girls 2..
well maybe it's just me..XD
she tries to snap some pixs of him n ofcoz..failed to do so..
n worse than tat...he notices tat she's trying to snap him! it was really embarassing!
haha..it was me who notice tat he notices us n he was smiling!!
after tat he went to d exit..
alynn's theory (which i think 95% rite) tat he was going to wait for us at d exit to give us a chance to snap him..unfortunately we was soooo embarassed tat we just passed him without looking at him!
i was telling dilla to just get it over n ask him for his pix..
but ofcoz she was toooo shy to do so n we wasted our time for about 15-20 mins trying to find d solution!
well, xcept for alynn n me..we went to play..i dun know what's d name..
n after we finished playing..they still didn't manage to get his pic!
i was like..hurry,hurry! it's 4.15 already!
n finally, they made a decision tat amal will ask for a worker there to call 'abgkasut' since he's no longer at d exit..
sadly d worker said tat he's going out for lunch or tea or whatsoever..
so, our mission failed..n dilla was so sad.
actually she had so many chances to ask for his pic but bcuz of her 'shyness' she wasted all d chances..
b4 we got out from SP, we dropped by at famous amos
cuz amal wanted to buy smthg for her adik2 at home..such a gud sis~
peah n me bought some cookies..
after tat,we hurried to d exit as we're already late..
or I'M already late..
luckily,there's a taxi at d entrance and we took it to setia jaya commuter station..
we bought tix to ukm n it costs us 4.60 xcept for peah,
she bought tix to bangi n it costs her 4.80..
we arrived at kl sentral at 5 smthg..
n man..d train was so damn packed!!!! n dilla concluded, "sardin lg selesa drpd ni.."
so again we killed d time with chit-chating n finally we arrived at ukm station at 6 smthg..
we left peah alone in d train as she will get down at d next station..
we said our gudbye to her~
dilla's mom was already waiting for us outside so dilla,alynn n me said our gudbye to amal cuz her dad hasn't arrive yet..
dilla's mom dropped me in front of my house..(thx auntie!)
fortunately, my parents were not home yet..
so i was saved from being scolded for coming home late..
act, my parents told me to get home early cuz
they dont want me to be in d packed train..
but for me, i dont really mind about tat~^_^
wow..what a long post i wrote..
haha..i dont force anybody to read this..
ja ne!
sangil chuka haeyo!!!
saengil chuka to...
so sorry tat i cant give u present..
(well..it's school holiday~)
so i think this is my present 4 ya!
a post dedicated to you!
saengil chuka to...
so sorry tat i cant give u present..
(well..it's school holiday~)
so i think this is my present 4 ya!
a post dedicated to you!
Wishing you a Happy Birthday and many more to come
Not just a year older but a year better
I hope all your birthday dreams and wishes come true!
Not just a year older but a year better
I hope all your birthday dreams and wishes come true!
i'm yours~~~
hyukie singing i'm yours~
LOL @ laugh at d end..
cr: aneng007
mp3 DL
cr: ana
hyukie singing i'm yours~
LOL @ laugh at d end..
cr: aneng007
mp3 DL
cr: ana
my wishlist
~a slingbag
i fall in luv with tis thing from d first time i saw it! when i ask my mum to buy..she said..
"u already hav too much bag laa.."..
huhu..but after i persuaded her..her answer was..
"okay..but only after my payday.."
yeah! saranghaeyo omma!!;D
~ headphone
i hav earphone but i still want d headphone..
dont know y..
but this i think i want to buy it with my own money..
i'd already asked too much fr my mom..
~ external hardisk!!!
altho i already hav one..it's still not enuff!!
u see..there is always new things to download everyday..
so d 160gb hdisk is not enuff to save them all~
huhu..this too i think..i will buy it with my own money..
so this is it..(maybe..?)
ja ne!
i fall in luv with tis thing from d first time i saw it! when i ask my mum to buy..she said..
"u already hav too much bag laa.."..
huhu..but after i persuaded her..her answer was..
"okay..but only after my payday.."
yeah! saranghaeyo omma!!;D
~ headphone
i hav earphone but i still want d headphone..
dont know y..
but this i think i want to buy it with my own money..
i'd already asked too much fr my mom..
~ external hardisk!!!
altho i already hav one..it's still not enuff!!
u see..there is always new things to download everyday..
so d 160gb hdisk is not enuff to save them all~
huhu..this too i think..i will buy it with my own money..
so this is it..(maybe..?)
ja ne!
d watchlist of mine~
ok so here it is..
i'm currently watching..
~you're beautiful
~atashinchi no danshi
coming soon:
~strong heart (Kshow)
~family outing (Kshow)
~last friend
~gokusen 3
~it's time for 2pm (Kshow)
actually..those r some of d things tat i want to watch
there r LOTS more!!
ja ne!
i'm currently watching..
~you're beautiful
~atashinchi no danshi
coming soon:
~strong heart (Kshow)
~family outing (Kshow)
~last friend
~gokusen 3
~it's time for 2pm (Kshow)
actually..those r some of d things tat i want to watch
there r LOTS more!!
ja ne!
i'm lovin' it!!
sje nk gtau...
skrg ni aku tgh gler lgu 'I was crazy for you'
btw..just wached the teaser..
who's your HEART BEATing for?
sje nk gtau...
skrg ni aku tgh gler lgu 'I was crazy for you'
btw..just wached the teaser..
who's your HEART BEATing for?
'an entry'

srsly..i dun know wat title to give..=p
yay! im really excited 4 tomorrow!
dun know y tho~
maybe bcuz there's a party, then there'll be lots of food!!=D
i'd already bought d present 4 tomorrow~
wanna know what is it?
but i think tat d 'thing' is pretty n i would like to keep it 4 myself~
actually..i've been lazy to update these days..
tat's y i only update tis blog today after 5 days wif no update..;p
today was my turn using d pc..^_^
so in d morning i was downloading n watching atashinchi..
then in d evening..
i did some youtube-ing~
i watched strong heart ep 1..but only until part 3/6!
d internet was soooo slow~
n now..i'm writing tis entry..
actually..i'm quite hungry rite now..
cuz today i'm fasting..n i had no sahur!
i dun know..i just too lazy to wake up..=p
in d end..i just fast..
hehe..it's not like i was going to do hard work today..
i just stayed at home n on9..
so i think tat's all for now..
2moro i'm going to school!!
n i know it'll be very boring in d morning..(d bbq maybe in d evening..)
so i thought maybe i'll bring some 'reinforcement'
ja ne!
p/s: 2pm's title comeback track will be released 2moro!! i'm soooo can't wait~=D
Happy 4th Anniversary Super Junior!!
my excitement!
today i didn't go to school...
so i just stayed at home..
luckily,,today was my turn using d pc~hehe
so i'm in front of d pc from morning till now!
today i watched u'r beautiful ep3..
i'm starting to like d drama..
tae kyung-he's hot..but didn't really like his hair~(but sometimes it looks good!^^)
shin woo- sweet!!!!he's cute too..kinda like ji hoo in bof~
jeremy- cuteness!! hongki~~;p
after tat..
i watched another cinderella story n
a korean movie..'he was cool'
kinda like d movie..at first i thought d hero wasn't cute
but after watching d movie..i think he's cute~
i'm really looking 4ward to tomorow's music bank~
4 this week they got:
~shinee! (ring ding dong ring ding dong ding~)
plus,yesung will sing 2moro!!!yeah (he will stand in for jonghyun..)
~MBLAQ (oh yeah!)
~beast (i like 'bad girl' too~)
~F(x) (chu~~)
~ukiss'comeback! (i'm startin to like their new song..=D)
so tat's it 4 now..
i think i'd update too much 4 one day~;)
gotta go now~
ja ne!!
so i just stayed at home..
luckily,,today was my turn using d pc~hehe
so i'm in front of d pc from morning till now!
today i watched u'r beautiful ep3..
i'm starting to like d drama..
tae kyung-he's hot..but didn't really like his hair~(but sometimes it looks good!^^)
shin woo- sweet!!!!he's cute too..kinda like ji hoo in bof~
jeremy- cuteness!! hongki~~;p
after tat..
i watched another cinderella story n
a korean movie..'he was cool'
kinda like d movie..at first i thought d hero wasn't cute
but after watching d movie..i think he's cute~
i'm really looking 4ward to tomorow's music bank~
4 this week they got:
~shinee! (ring ding dong ring ding dong ding~)
plus,yesung will sing 2moro!!!yeah (he will stand in for jonghyun..)
~MBLAQ (oh yeah!)
~beast (i like 'bad girl' too~)
~F(x) (chu~~)
~ukiss'comeback! (i'm startin to like their new song..=D)
so tat's it 4 now..
i think i'd update too much 4 one day~;)
gotta go now~
ja ne!!
last part
d next day we went to bandar melaka..went a famosa,statdhuys n a....mall!
(cant remember d name~hehe)
i know2...
it's been so long since i update my blog..
but ojjoda?? i'm too lazy..
besides..i'm downloading~
if i open my blog (to update of coz) d download speed
will crashing down like 60-20 k/b..
huhu~my life's so complicated~;p
i've said b4 tat i went to melaka for a holiday last weekend..
so i thought i want to share some pixs!
to be continued~
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