srsly..i dun know wat title to give..=p
yay! im really excited 4 tomorrow!
dun know y tho~
maybe bcuz there's a party, then there'll be lots of food!!=D
i'd already bought d present 4 tomorrow~
wanna know what is it?
but i think tat d 'thing' is pretty n i would like to keep it 4 myself~
actually..i've been lazy to update these days..
tat's y i only update tis blog today after 5 days wif no update..;p
today was my turn using d pc..^_^
so in d morning i was downloading n watching atashinchi..
then in d evening..
i did some youtube-ing~
i watched strong heart ep 1..but only until part 3/6!
d internet was soooo slow~
n now..i'm writing tis entry..
actually..i'm quite hungry rite now..
cuz today i'm fasting..n i had no sahur!
i dun know..i just too lazy to wake up..=p
in d end..i just fast..
hehe..it's not like i was going to do hard work today..
i just stayed at home n on9..
so i think tat's all for now..
2moro i'm going to school!!
n i know it'll be very boring in d morning..(d bbq maybe in d evening..)
so i thought maybe i'll bring some 'reinforcement'
ja ne!
p/s: 2pm's title comeback track will be released 2moro!! i'm soooo can't wait~=D
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