today's muBank was jjang!!!
i love it~
cuz there's SuPm!!!
super junior+2pm=i'm dead
i luv d part where teukie n dongdong went to 2pm's waiting room (?)
i'm not sure but nvm la..
so cute!!
this is d vid..can u feel my bbang? LOL..
suju performed sorry sorry remix..LOVE it!!
cuz my hubby got kinda lots of part..haha!
but there's only 9 members..
kibum (MIA) kangin (T_T) chul (?) geng (his case wif sm..)
so it's kinda empty..?
hope everything will be ok..!X)
n 2pm perform AAA n heartbeat..
great as always..but d beginning was..kinda funny..?
haha! dun really get it..
i was watching their perf wif my mum n sis..n sudenly my mum says..'knp mke dorg sme cm sme je?sme x nmpk mte..." haha! nvm la mommy they're still HOT! XD
n gee won d most popular song(?) congrats to them..=)
but i was really hoping tat sorry sorry will win..such a great song..
n also..
i miss mblaqXbeast dance battle..
aigoo...nvm la..i guess i'll catch it up on YT~
ja ne~
Best gler muBank td!!!!
yg sedihnyer...
x smpt tng0k part 2pm, ngan SuJu tuh!!!
my m0m told me 2 do something...
but...xpelah..nnty nk tngok kat utube...^^
sjak akhir2 nih....
aq mkin mnatlak ngan gr0up BEAST tuh!!
mse tngok SGB ade THUNDER!!!
waa!!!! cute!! haha!!
weyh~ changsung comel!! hahaha..
eh, nnt ltak vid yg mblaq dgn sape ntah wat gee dgn abracadabra..aku xpuas ati tul bce kt allkpop..dorg xleh lwn jo kwon aku!! hahaha..
nissa: ko ckp mkin mnt beast..
skali thunder plak..tp die mmg cute..rse nk cubit2 pipi die~haha
timah: ok..nnti aku ltk hehe..
mmg! xde spe le lwn kwon!XD
aq ske due2!
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