her name is izzah n she's 5..
she's sooooo stubborn i told ya!!!
she only wants people to listen at her..
annoying..but she's still my cute sis~;p
but sometimes she's smart too..
like saying something tat we dun xpect to hear from her!
this is when we are on d way to kg~
tat day was her burfday~

this is my 1st sis..
her name is atiqah but we called her angah..
she's 11 but in year6~haha!
people often think tat she's d eldest which is actually me!
well..i look young don't i~

her name is fadhilah but we call her ilah..
shes 7 so shes in std1~
sometimes we call her 'nenek' cuz she talks nonstop!!
like..when we go to alamada..she'll talk all d way from home to alamanda!
so loud!! we often tell her: ilah ble tlg x? tlg diam!
but well..she didnt!huh~
she used to be d naughtiest in our family but not anymore since izzah's around!

from my mum n dad~
so cute!!! i want one too!
i told her: ble along amik x?
izzah: ble! =)
few mins later....
izzah:mintak blik!
me: -_-

we only hav one when we're back in bangi~
there's no time to do one in kg~
tat was her cake..
my mum told me tat's d trend rite now..
people buy cupcakes instead of one cake..
i dun care but for sure d cake has to be delicious!
haha!!d title was so long~
but didnt mean anything~=D
well,actually i want to post some pics of my sisters..
like doing some kind of intro..
dun no why..suddenly feel like to do so~
ja ne!
haha! i thought this post has sumthing to do wit gd since d tittle is tht! haha!!
LOL! what nenek??! hillarious!!
haha..told ya..d title has nthg to do with da post..=p
yes ilah is nenek~
haha. msti lawak en korg pngl die nenek! kekekeke~
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