he looks like lee joon from mblaq in this pix!!
at least i'm not d only one who think like tat~XD
1st post in new year! well..*actual* post~
today is d fourth day of school n fortunately it's not tat boring
cuz my class went to picc to hear
perutusan thn baru by d mnstr of edu..
well,,it's boring ofcoz but d fact tat we r going somewhere xcites me~hehe
so we departed fr school at 7.3o n arrived there at 8 smthng
for d 1st time in this year..i'm happy to be part of ivrazi~haha!
ooh..did i tell u why i'm NOT happy?hmm..maybe i forgot~XD
well d teacher decided our class based only on alphabethical order!
huhu~i's unfair but i've heard d rumour tat there will be another class reformation n i hope its true..^^
1st day-im SUFFERING!!! 1st thing in d morning..we had assembly in d hall..like usual..packed..hotness overload..but tat's not d worse..after tat we f4 s2dents r told by d teacher to go to d mosque=our 2nd home..= ) n we r asked to recite d yassin n then perform dhuha prayer..n then recess time! where my suffering begins..stomachache!!hurts a lot~~huhu..dilla n me went back to mosque n i try to sleep there..but it's so...AKADJKAJKNOISYQWTQYQEY!
like..come on guys..it's MOSQUE!!!at least show some respect...-_-
finally..after resting for a few hours..i'm feeling better n luckily..we got to go home early tat day so i called my mom to pick me up~=)
2nd day- we got our 'class' n sit there waiting teachers to come in..so boring~~n unfortunately..i'm having some headache tat day..huhu~ so i'm sleepy all d time..even when d teachers r in d class but i've tried to hold it back..^^ (but maybe i did fall asleep for awhile..=D)
d strange thing was..when it comes nearer to balik time..i'm gettin better!=p
but i got my headache back n fever after i came back from school tat afternoon..T_T
3rd day-lessons as usual..but most of d teachers r just giving intros to d subjects..n lfortunately..i'm not sick!yay~~n we had some spelling in bm class..haha~but bm is not THAT easy..well..it's an easy language to speak but its grammars r sososo complicated~huhu
d orientation for f4 s2dents will starts nex wednesday..
fortunately it's just for 3days..cuz i think it'll be boring..=______=
but y do f4 hav to be oriented??
thats all for now~
i've changed my layout!!
(what a babo..ppl can see la..)so whatcha think?
ja ne~