today finally we had d larian jalan raya..
it's not that bad la..
i just hate d hotnessess tat's all~=p
so it's just ok..marikh got 3rd place..dun really care..XD
n also..dilla came to school 2day..shocking huh?
but i guess she's comin bcuz of koko marks..same here~
at first..i jogged with alynn..n then she told me to go 1st cuz she wants to walk..
so i jogged n walked alone until i reached school..
after i checked in..i joined d cooling down conducted by nawwar..
at first she told us to breathe in n out..so i did tat..
then i not really sure what she's talking but i just heard she said dun go to canteen n drink water not really sure la..so i pun blah dr situ cuz it's major hotness!!!>_<
went to canteen..i arrived d same time as capa n aimi..dun know abt d others.
rumah merah got free orange juice? so i went to get mine..
after tat..i went to pondok besides d field cuz d canteen was tooooo hot! they didnt switched on d fans!wth...there..i found anis n amal drinking water..so i say hi n then we walked back to canteen..
after tat i saw alynn..i asked her did she just arrived n she said it's been 10 mins or smthg..n then we bought 100+
haha..today i drink hella lots of water!
a cup of orange,a tin of 100+,sbtg icecream tropicana,ice lemon tea n not to mention my own drinks tat i brought from home! XD
ok..tats all i think..
ja ne!
just watched beast perf on muBank just now~
they're all HOT n cute~
but i think d ones tat caught my eyes is doojun n dongwoon~XD
hyunjeung is ok too~
everybody's fine!
dongwoon mine!! hhe~
ok la..
then i take doojoon..
wait..hyunjeung's okay too..
ok la..doojoon~haha
hua3..bergelen2 air..
Dongw0on is Mine 2lah!!!
sme ko pye eh?
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