d celebrated girl~

nk blik~T_T

say aaaa~

capa..ko nk plangkung spe tu?=p

geng masak

family pix~XD

dilla n timah @ SR

makan kek!!

mke kenyang thp maksimas~
so it was fine...not to mention tat it was deadly BORING!
it started at 9.40? n d speech is too long..huh..-_-
n then we were told tat we cant leave d school until 1pm..wth???
x pna dibuat org pympaian hdh blek lmbt..ridiculous gle~
n then we hav chemist class..but dilla n i didnt go to d class cuz
dilla's mom has waited for her for abt 2 hours??
dilla's mom dropped us at my house cuz we're suppose to hav a party tat day..
farewell party for far~=(
so we waited for d others to arrive..
n then after everybody has arrived..they all serang my room~
nvm la..nex tyme nk tgk korg pye plak!=p
after tuka baju-solat-etc,etc we're ready to cook!
as we waited for d food to be cooked n to alas our perut..
we ate amal's cocktail..yummy!!(thanx amal! <3!!)
d ppl who in charge of cooking r..
thanks n sorry cuz i didnt help..huhu~u know la kan i mcm mne~=p
u guys rocks!!!!!!!!XD
after d soup n tomyam r ready..we also got ready to eat them since we're starving!
but we only eat suhun wif d soup cuz the mihun n kuetiau were not ready
n by the time they;re ready, we already full~
d soup tastes great but i dun know bout d tomyam cuz i only eat a spoonful..=)
afetr tat we ate far's sandwich..delicious!!
when will we get to eat tat again..=)
after ta..photography session begins!
hahah..(actually, it begins wayyyyyy before!XD)
like a family pix~hahaha!
so love tat moments~^_^
after tat amal,alynn,dilla,timah n i went to secret recipe..
it was quite far from my house but with d power of cake,
we manage to get there~hahahaa
timah's dad picked her up at secret recipe n amal's dad picked us up there
n dropped us at my house cuz amal wants to get her stuffs..
dilla stayed at my house until 8pm cuz her family went to perak
to get her bro n her mom didnt allow her to stay at home alone..
so dilla has to wait for her mom..
we just lepak-lepak in my room~^_^
so yesterday was kinda bittersweet..
haha cuz d morning was like blehh...
n d evening was so fun!
b4 i forget..
aku tertumpahkan cocktail kt baju ko!
jgn marah tau!
ok la... tat's all
ja ne!
smlm adalah arie yg memenatkn but best!!!haahha...
last memory wif far...
yes u r rite!!
wuuu~ best gyle smlm!!! ehh! hri tuh! heheh~
*suddenly beaing teary*
ri tuh memg sgt besh!!!
saya memg sayang anda sume~
korg nk dtg umah aku?
tunggu la 10 t hn lg ye.. aku kahwin..hahaha..insyaALLAH.. *crikn aku calon!* supaya korg leh dtg umah aku lebih cpat! hahaha..
mane aci timah!
x kire..
nk dtg gak!
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