yo wassup man!!
so yesterday....i went to book fair with my family (only my mom n sis tho)
dilla went with me too~cuz she's too lazy to take d ktm with tmah n d gang so she said she'll follow me instead..
so we departed from my house at 10 n arrived at d mall carpark at 11..1 hour?kinda far..
so we went to d pwtc to start our hunt for books..hahaha! my mom gave me rm70 plus my own don=rm 80.^_^
1st stop: jemari seni.i bought 2 novels there versus n d other one cant remember d title.so after tat dilla said that her bro said to her that she hav to buy spm models for all subject..so we went to oxford fajar booth.i bought some n she bought "some" too.then, we went to sasbadi cuz models for add math n math at oxford were sold out.mannnn! it was TONS of ppl there at sasbadi. the queue was verrry long~so as dilla wait for her turn to pay, i went to pelangi to search for sj xcercise book~after that went back to get dilla n we went to d razak hall 4 which is upstairs to look for the booth shiqa had told us.so we're like..search d penguin logo, search and search..then we found it! true, it has lots of discounts up to 40%..but none of d books there really caught my attention. dilla bought one book n then we went to karangkraf. how i wish i didnt go there. it was so damn packed! borrowing dilla's quote: sardin pun lagi selesa~
i want to look for d latest klik but they were sold out oready~but i think it's okay..cuz looking at d queue, i dont know when i will be able to get out of that hall~huh!
i got sms from my mom saying that they already at chicken hut at d mall.waiting for us. i was like..wth?it's only been an hour! altho my mom said that she'll wait for us there, but i x smpi hati to let her wait for us for too long. so i went to mph..to buy some bi novels.actually, i already hav this book on my mind. d title is the hunger game. i saw it at mph mid. unfortunately, they didnt have that book there. so i have to find another book..dilla bought breaking dawn while i was caught between 2 books; twenties girl n remember me. so i called shiqa to ask for her opinion. she said that i should buy remember me n dilla said so too.conclusion: i bought that book. so after that, we wnet back to d mall n to d restaurant. meet "dienna" at d entrance. but w/out siti n alifah. so we had our lunch there..i ate lemon chicken rice my menu wajib when going to that restaurant. after that, we went back home. i also got to buy klik! hohoho~
one more thing, we saw snsd's genie mv on a tv that was on sale.samsung. no wonder la~ but i think it was 40 inch? or 42..so it was verry big!! i want that kind of tv!!!imagine..i can watch music bank with that tv..waaaa!!!!!
*gone crazy* after that, wrong number mv was on~hehe!
but really..i think kpop is MORE well known here lately..hallyu wave has hit malaysia!!hohohoho!
tat hairstyle really makes him hotter isn't it?!!!
i remember this from a show..he said (or sumbody else) that his fans has increased
when sorry2 promotion starts..n then sumbody (cant remember..T_T) said to him: look at your face now!
n then hyukie just laugh~=)
but he's already well-loved even b4 he got that hairdo..it's just that his fan just increased~XD
so that's all
master of study
yay! finished watching god of study~
my fav drama so far..i know i've been said that everytime i finished watching a new drama
but it's the truth! hee~~XD
i think d drama also has some good influence on me. it encouraged me to STUDY!
(that's what d title of d drmaa after all) i really-really want to study as im watching d drama but when im going to start studying for real..aigoo~~so many obstacles..haha!
also, this drama also has a great combination of good looking n cute actors/actresses. it's also one of d factors that encourage me to watch this drama~
but as usual..korean drama~slow! sometimes i feel like im going to break d monitor~LOL~
but i dun think i can study they way they're studying in this drama.until very late of nite?a big no-no~=p
n d methods r kinda harsh? forcing people to study..but of course, since this is a drama, it ends well. but it's not always been like that in real life.life is like a roller coaster.^_^
i also cried many time while i was watching this drama~hohoho!
my fav drama so far..i know i've been said that everytime i finished watching a new drama
but it's the truth! hee~~XD
i think d drama also has some good influence on me. it encouraged me to STUDY!
(that's what d title of d drmaa after all) i really-really want to study as im watching d drama but when im going to start studying for real..aigoo~~so many obstacles..haha!
also, this drama also has a great combination of good looking n cute actors/actresses. it's also one of d factors that encourage me to watch this drama~
but as usual..korean drama~slow! sometimes i feel like im going to break d monitor~LOL~
but i dun think i can study they way they're studying in this drama.until very late of nite?a big no-no~=p
n d methods r kinda harsh? forcing people to study..but of course, since this is a drama, it ends well. but it's not always been like that in real life.life is like a roller coaster.^_^
i also cried many time while i was watching this drama~hohoho!
feel so stupid.
T.R.Y. Do it now! Can you follow me? Yes!! Uh-ha~!!
ja ne!=)
T.R.Y. Do it now! Can you follow me? Yes!! Uh-ha~!!
ja ne!=)
school stuffs
luvluvluv this pic! d baby is pushing (?) the leader~haha!donghee's blur face~
it's school week already~
started the week with a very high level of lazyness~
haha! as always la~
so we got back our test results this week..
for now i just got:
chemy~81 (gah....knew it~got careless at some questions~)
phy~57 (hope there'll be more correctionS! i dun want to get C!!!><)
bm~87 (much better i think..happy with this!^^)
add math~100 (kinda xpecting this..but still Alhamdulillah...^_^)
bio~80 (my fav subject...aigoo~but still okay la..huhu)
bi~97 (d questions here without doubt were so easy..hehe..but still silly mistake~)
this is only d first test though..n the teachers were being veryveryvery lenient with us..
d real spm marking scheme is MUCH more strict than this..
huh~i'm so scared for d mid exam...>0<
ok~tat's all for now i think..
ja ne!
p/s:i want to watch kangshimjang ep 8 but it has been claimed already!!!
shittun sungguh sbs ni...
talking bout s.h.i.t...
anis n i came across taemin today at d stairs near d library..
im gonna give u my sexy-look-while-drinking-water~
gah!!!!cant hold it no more..drinking too much water~T_T
suju is officially here.
omigod~~they're just few mins from here.
YET i cant see them..T_T
found this on Sapphirepearls:
omigod~~they're just few mins from here.
YET i cant see them..T_T
found this on Sapphirepearls:
live radio stream
it starts on 1700 (5p.m.)
and the browser recommended was internet explorer
i dunno if this will work or not..
but it wont hurt to try~
duh.y i cant understand it??
huh..seriously..people here n there r talking bout their depression lately..
making me feel depressed too.haih.
but for now..im more depressed on how i cant understand how to make a balanced equation.
im talking bout chemistry here.im always like that.everytime i dont understand some subject..i'll feel like..
depressed(cant find any other suitable words)until i'll ask someone to teach me i wouldnt be at ease.
i feel so stew-pid.hohoh~enuff with d depressed thingie.lets move on.
okay..so yesterday there was 94 batch reunion..but syresly,why was it called reunion?it's not that long tat we've been apart~haha!maybe..d longest would be 3 months?tat was d question my parents asked when i asked for their permission~well..this is just d normal hangout i think~so i cant go bcuz i didnt get d permission..nvm la~from what i heard from those who went to d reunion,i know tat i aint missing nothing~
hehe!but i feel sorry for alynn n amal tho~=(
n also, i would like to see d REAL them.=p
well maybe it's not all of them la..
now..i want to share about my xtvities during this holiday~
monday-i went to mines with my mom n 2nd sis-ilah.usually we go with my 1st sis but since d mvie tat we're going to watch is alice in wonderland which ilah has been wanting to see,my mom brought her instead~so we have to left my 1st sis cuz if she's going too then izah will be left alone at home.complicated isn't it?
so we watched d movie.it's not so good la i think.kinda boring.but kids would love it tho~i prefer percy jackson more.after d show finished,we went for a lunch at a restaurant named lemon.after that we went to UIA cuz my mom wanted to meet her friend (not really a fren la more like a buyer-seller relationship)to collect one drop.after tat we went back to bangi n our last destination was bintang supermarket~
but really,my sis just cant shut her mouth up~she kept talking about wanting to go see movies in cinemas again..(well its her 1st time~XD)
tuesday-not going anywhere.stayed at home bcuz it's my turn for on9~syresly..when will i get my lappy???haish...so i was in front of d pc from mornin till night~hahahaha!
wed-went to library in precint 16 pjaya.what a day! i arrived there at 8.15 or so cuz i think it will be opened at 9 am.it turns out tat it will be open at 10am.wth????i hav to wait for 2 hours more!so i just sit there..playing games n when im bored i come to think of this idea:buy a newspaper.
hahah!!for d first time in my life..buying paper with my own money~
so when its 10..i went to d library n sat in there until 2pm.man....it was FREAKING cold in there!my hands just go numb!haha..then i went out for lunch n stuffs n then go to d library again..at 4 or smthg..i went to alamanda.well..i just walk since it's not that far..just like my house n billion?haha.so i went to BK n ate my fav ice cream.at 6, went to d bustop to wait for my mom.what a day.=)
thurs-act,dilla asked me to accompany her to go to bangi library(again).at first..i was sooooo lazy to go but she just kep bugging me.so in the end, i went.it's supposed to be my turn tat day,but since my dad was at home..i know tat i cant just sit in front of pc d WHOLE day.so i decided to accompany her to d library.act,there was this fren of hers whom she know him thru her bro whom we're goint to meet.he's f5 n currently schooling at saser.he always taught dilla thru ym.so he's like tutoring us,xplaining d question tat we didnt understand..n gave us his notes.n then at 4.30..my dad picked me up~
today-my turn...so like usual..on9 for d whole day!!XD
gosh..i dont search for d materials for plbs yet~im so dead..i still didn't decide on what i should be doing for d presentation..huh~~~
wow.what a long post i wrote.
ja ne!
making me feel depressed too.haih.
but for now..im more depressed on how i cant understand how to make a balanced equation.
im talking bout chemistry here.im always like that.everytime i dont understand some subject..i'll feel like..
depressed(cant find any other suitable words)until i'll ask someone to teach me i wouldnt be at ease.
i feel so stew-pid.hohoh~enuff with d depressed thingie.lets move on.
okay..so yesterday there was 94 batch reunion..but syresly,why was it called reunion?it's not that long tat we've been apart~haha!maybe..d longest would be 3 months?tat was d question my parents asked when i asked for their permission~well..this is just d normal hangout i think~so i cant go bcuz i didnt get d permission..nvm la~from what i heard from those who went to d reunion,i know tat i aint missing nothing~
hehe!but i feel sorry for alynn n amal tho~=(
n also, i would like to see d REAL them.=p
well maybe it's not all of them la..
now..i want to share about my xtvities during this holiday~
monday-i went to mines with my mom n 2nd sis-ilah.usually we go with my 1st sis but since d mvie tat we're going to watch is alice in wonderland which ilah has been wanting to see,my mom brought her instead~so we have to left my 1st sis cuz if she's going too then izah will be left alone at home.complicated isn't it?
so we watched d movie.it's not so good la i think.kinda boring.but kids would love it tho~i prefer percy jackson more.after d show finished,we went for a lunch at a restaurant named lemon.after that we went to UIA cuz my mom wanted to meet her friend (not really a fren la more like a buyer-seller relationship)to collect one drop.after tat we went back to bangi n our last destination was bintang supermarket~
but really,my sis just cant shut her mouth up~she kept talking about wanting to go see movies in cinemas again..(well its her 1st time~XD)
tuesday-not going anywhere.stayed at home bcuz it's my turn for on9~syresly..when will i get my lappy???haish...so i was in front of d pc from mornin till night~hahahaha!
wed-went to library in precint 16 pjaya.what a day! i arrived there at 8.15 or so cuz i think it will be opened at 9 am.it turns out tat it will be open at 10am.wth????i hav to wait for 2 hours more!so i just sit there..playing games n when im bored i come to think of this idea:buy a newspaper.
hahah!!for d first time in my life..buying paper with my own money~
so when its 10..i went to d library n sat in there until 2pm.man....it was FREAKING cold in there!my hands just go numb!haha..then i went out for lunch n stuffs n then go to d library again..at 4 or smthg..i went to alamanda.well..i just walk since it's not that far..just like my house n billion?haha.so i went to BK n ate my fav ice cream.at 6, went to d bustop to wait for my mom.what a day.=)
thurs-act,dilla asked me to accompany her to go to bangi library(again).at first..i was sooooo lazy to go but she just kep bugging me.so in the end, i went.it's supposed to be my turn tat day,but since my dad was at home..i know tat i cant just sit in front of pc d WHOLE day.so i decided to accompany her to d library.act,there was this fren of hers whom she know him thru her bro whom we're goint to meet.he's f5 n currently schooling at saser.he always taught dilla thru ym.so he's like tutoring us,xplaining d question tat we didnt understand..n gave us his notes.n then at 4.30..my dad picked me up~
today-my turn...so like usual..on9 for d whole day!!XD
gosh..i dont search for d materials for plbs yet~im so dead..i still didn't decide on what i should be doing for d presentation..huh~~~
wow.what a long post i wrote.
ja ne!
u betta run,run,run,run!
i actually like this song..
kinda less autotune~
cant wait for d mv
p/s:hav to listen for few times~=)
saye cilok dr alynn yg cilok dr timah yg cilok dr syue..hahah!
Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan lelaki idaman?
lelaki yg mnjd impian utk dijadikan hubby~XD
Bagaimana sifat yang ada pada lelaki idaman anda.
sweet, caring, pandai, cool, ade sense of humour,gentleman,someone who are not boring to be with..
Anda mahukan lelaki berhidung mancung atau kembang.
honestly..mst r mancung..tp klu dh mmg takdir nk wt cne~
Mata sepet,mata bulat,mata sederhana,bundar atau becermin mata.
x kesa asl jgn sepet/bsr sgt..mate normal la
Mulut bagaimana yang anda impikan.
normal~most importantly:bkn bwrne HITAM eww..
Anda mahukan seseorang yang bertelinga capang atau biasa.
Ketinggian berapa cm yang anda impikan.
yg penting mst lagi tinggi! tp klu sme pun ble gak~
Rambut panjang,pendek,atau skema.
deff not skema, pendek..tp pnjg sket..cm style kor/jap/chi guys la
Anda mahukan lelaki stylo atau simple.
normal! stylo sgt susa gak..simple sgt pun susa gak~
Lelaki kulit putih,gelap atau sawo matang.
x nk yg glp sgt..putih sgt pun susa gak..(aku pun bknla putih sgt~)yg normal~
Sukakan lelaki tangan berurat atau kurus kering.
x kesa la..
Lelaki berbadan sasa atau kurus kering.
xnk kurus/gemuk sgt..yg sederhana je..n x ske gak org yg gle buffed uh~XD
Artis manakah menyerupai lelaki idaman anda.
err...saye pun tatau
Anda rasa anda cukup lawa ke nak dapatkan lelaki idaman anda.
♥ 4 names that friends call you
♫ nab (cesh..)
♫ biela
♫ nabilah
♫ bella (sstgh org la)
♥ 4 most important dates in your life
♫ my saengil
♫ my wedding date
♫ d day when i'm a doc!
♫ d judgement day
♥ 4 things you have done in the last 30 minutes
♫ breathing
♫ looking
♫ typing
♫ watching
♥ 4 ways to be happy
♫ go out
♫ music
♫ eat
♫ getting gud results..XD
♥ 4 people you miss from your past
♫ my old bf, aleen
♫ my old frens back there in sabah
♫ my old frens
♫ my old frens
♥ 4 gifts you would like to receive
♫ laptop
♫ 1 tera hdisk
♫ a trip to japan/korea/paris
♫ new phone!!
♥ 4 of your favourite hobbies
♫ watching,watching,watching
♫ jln-jln
♫ download
♫ reading
♥ 4 places you want to go for vacation
♫ korea!
♫ australia
♫ japan
♫ paris
♥ 4 favourite drinks
♫ ice lemon tea
♫ iced milo
♫ coconut juice
♫ watermelon juice
♥ 4 things always found in your bag
♫ pencil case
♫ buku
♫ benda itu
♫ food
♥ 4 favourite colours
♫ sky blue
♫ yellow
♫ green
♫ black
♥ top 4 hangout
♫ alamanda
♫ pkns bangi
♫ bangi utama
♫ mines
♥ top 4 you love so much
♫ mummy
♫ daddy
♫ siblings
♫ frens!
♥ top 4 things special to you
♫ phone
♫ pc
♫ mp3
♫ books/comics
♥ top 4 reason why you answer this tagged
♫ i was bored
♫ i dunno
♫ i want to
♫ i am bored
so...i just got back home this evening~
i went to genting yesterday*yay!dreams come true!*
finally..after 15 years of life..i finally go there~
d things up there were dead xpensive!!
so i played almost all d thrill rides there,xcept for flying coaster
cuz i was too chicken to try~=p
haha!but i'm regretting it now..haish.
nex time i go,i'll be sure to ride tat one!!
my fav is corkscrew n my least fav is sg rejang flume..
huh~i'm wet!!!
luckily..i sat at d front..poor my sis~XD
so it was fun~thanx mom n dad!
but nex time i want to go with my frens!
then we stayed at selesa hillhomes for one nite
cuz my sis wanted to mandi kolam
d room is ok..it has one living room n one bedroom..
i slept on d couch..cuz there's not enuff space~
but it's ok..d couch is comfy though..=)
okay..so i just knew tat there is reunion going to be held this thursday..
*huh..just 2 days away from d net*
but i'm not sure i can go or not..
i've asked n d answer is NO~
but i think im gonna try again..
wish me luck!
but i think d percentage of success is very low..
ja ne!
p/s:going to upload d pix later..
to lazy to transfer it~
i went to genting yesterday*yay!dreams come true!*
finally..after 15 years of life..i finally go there~
d things up there were dead xpensive!!
so i played almost all d thrill rides there,xcept for flying coaster
cuz i was too chicken to try~=p
haha!but i'm regretting it now..haish.
nex time i go,i'll be sure to ride tat one!!
my fav is corkscrew n my least fav is sg rejang flume..
huh~i'm wet!!!
luckily..i sat at d front..poor my sis~XD
so it was fun~thanx mom n dad!
but nex time i want to go with my frens!
then we stayed at selesa hillhomes for one nite
cuz my sis wanted to mandi kolam
d room is ok..it has one living room n one bedroom..
i slept on d couch..cuz there's not enuff space~
but it's ok..d couch is comfy though..=)
okay..so i just knew tat there is reunion going to be held this thursday..
*huh..just 2 days away from d net*
but i'm not sure i can go or not..
i've asked n d answer is NO~
but i think im gonna try again..
wish me luck!
but i think d percentage of success is very low..
ja ne!
p/s:going to upload d pix later..
to lazy to transfer it~
day 3-last
finally, I'M FREE!!!!
(for the time being..)
not going to school tomorrow..
but today i got to home late cuz there's meeting
for edi..(im one of d committee)
we were divided into small groups with diff tasks..
i got d exhibition group..huh~
so today i tumpang amal since my van has leaved me~huhu
then we stop by a cendol n laksa stall to meet her mom there..
sumthing happen to amal..(i think she'll wrote abt it in her blog later..)
i feel so sorry for her..sorry amal!=)
so i ate a bowl of sponsored cendol..hehe
after tat we went to billlion to buy sumthing for amal's bro
she wanted to buy comics but unfortunately d shop is closed..
then..her dad sent me home..
huh!! so segan la today..>_<
one more..congrats to d 09 spm candidates who got their result today..
esp d straight A's..
waaa..i very respect u guys la..
next year...i'm gonna get 11A+!
ok la..
ja ne!!

im having a crush on him these days..
aigoo..y so cute~
day 2
3 more!!!!!
p/s:dunno what'll happen at my chem's result..
masok bnde2 yg xdbce~
hope at least i get 80.
7 more papers to go.
p/s:finally..i can do d strikethrough..
wanna noe y i cant do that before this?
i use the old editor..-_-
SS2 Promo Video

apa khabar! kami super junior!
"..bukit jalil.."
kyu...y so cute??><
*SIGH* no matter how many times i said i wanna go.. i still cant go..T_T
so SJ!
we want to let u guys know tat u all are very welcomed here..
do come again next time!!!
and i'll go for sure.=)
for those who're going..scream ur hearts out!!!XD
okay..i better go study for my test.
ja ne!
it gives me headache everytime to give title to an entry..-_-
finished watching yeol-hyeol-nam-ah..*hot blood*
i know tat i'm late..i only watched this show now..T_T
but actually it did sumthing for me too~<3!
n here i am..talking like i hav the most time on my hands..
can i ask one question???
when will i ever start studying?????
but love d show! hehe!
junsu is sooooo cute!!*biased*
ohhh!!today i watched liar game too!
until ep 10~
cuz ep 11 is=2 hours++ ughhh..
maybe next time.=)
one more! jay is soooo cute back then!
like a...baby??LOL~
he's so white!!!!
xcept he's a baby with choc abs~=p
i must restraint myself from lazying again 2moro~
do some xcercises!!
wish me luck!^_^
ja ne!
finished watching yeol-hyeol-nam-ah..*hot blood*
i know tat i'm late..i only watched this show now..T_T
but actually it did sumthing for me too~<3!
n here i am..talking like i hav the most time on my hands..
can i ask one question???
when will i ever start studying?????
but love d show! hehe!
junsu is sooooo cute!!*biased*
ohhh!!today i watched liar game too!
until ep 10~
cuz ep 11 is=2 hours++ ughhh..
maybe next time.=)
one more! jay is soooo cute back then!
like a...baby??LOL~
he's so white!!!!
xcept he's a baby with choc abs~=p
i must restraint myself from lazying again 2moro~
do some xcercises!!
wish me luck!^_^
ja ne!
everyday i shock!!everynite i shock!
doo joon sungguh HOT!
yoseob pon ok la gak~*his hair*
d rest r fine~
but junhyung (is tat how to spell his name?)...err..kinda burok~
luv this song~
im droolin right here...*_*
doo joon sungguh HOT!
yoseob pon ok la gak~*his hair*
d rest r fine~
but junhyung (is tat how to spell his name?)...err..kinda burok~
luv this song~
im droolin right here...*_*

make me pissed off.
they're just PLAIN STEW-PID
p/s:i want those POLAROIDS!!!!n POSTERS!!
p/s:LOL at hottest turns into coldest~
did they laugh at d end of d vid??rite after chan finished (or didnt) his answer???
my god...tat boy was just xpressing his feeling for jay n d "FANS" can really laugh at it???
r they human or wat??and then they said tat d boys r being rude?when this one particular vid proved d opposite...ughh....
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