finally, I'M FREE!!!!
(for the time being..)
not going to school tomorrow..
but today i got to home late cuz there's meeting
for edi..(im one of d committee)
we were divided into small groups with diff tasks..
i got d exhibition group..huh~
so today i tumpang amal since my van has leaved me~huhu
then we stop by a cendol n laksa stall to meet her mom there..
sumthing happen to amal..(i think she'll wrote abt it in her blog later..)
i feel so sorry for her..sorry amal!=)
so i ate a bowl of sponsored cendol..hehe
after tat we went to billlion to buy sumthing for amal's bro
she wanted to buy comics but unfortunately d shop is closed..
then..her dad sent me home..
huh!! so segan la today..>_<
one more..congrats to d 09 spm candidates who got their result today..
esp d straight A's..
waaa..i very respect u guys la..
next year...i'm gonna get 11A+!
ok la..
ja ne!!

im having a crush on him these days..
aigoo..y so cute~
i already post the embarrassment thing happened today...huhuhuh...
i hope we all can get 11A++ next year!!!let's study hard!!!hahha
yeah!!lets do it nex year!
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