
last batch~

people waiting for their turns at d cable car station~fuhh!
hello! i'm deer!

i really love this flavour!peppermint with choc chip~=D
burnt rice~
in front of mahsuri's house
hola! i'm hornbill~
at Tg Rhu Beach~
i meant to snap d scenery...-_-'
yeah! i ate sausage 'ere!!!haha
i want nobody nobody but choo..ignore d other person

my silhouette
budak yg berjalan smbil minum susu~=p
stalking again~Xp


xxx said...

gmba i wan nobody2 but choo uh ko ke? wahh si diff! haha

Biela said...

len sgt ke?
aku lipat tudung uh ke blkg
sbb berangin gle kt situ!

xxx said...

nmpk cm iman! hahah

fatimah arr said...

nabula comel~!!

Biela said...

alynn: iman?? hmm..bile aku tgk ade la sket2..haha!lme x jmpe die

timah:oh trime kasih..sayang awk!=p