
perpustakaan negara+sungei wang+times square

i know ive been posting a lotttt these days..
so yay for me!=p

today..my mom, iqa and me went to d national library
it's my 1st time landing my foot there..it's so hugee~~
but actually, u cant borrow all the books there
not from this building

there u can only read the book and not borrowing them..
u can only borrow books from a building called wisma sejarah
weird rule i think~
so i borrowed 3 books..hehe XD
but they've got no books that i want! (xcept for shopaholic n baby)

after that..we went to times square (well, i suggested that~haha)
my mum parked the car in sg wang plaza
n we walk to the ts building
btw, sg wang was so packed!! >_<

my main objective of going to ts was,,u know..
to go to d shop..my star collection
n finally...i land my foot in that shop..(gosh..theres so many landing-foot-in-new-places today!=p)
its not that big..kinda small so d shop was packed..
i saw this 2 chinese guys n got interested in what they're going to buy..
n obviously..they're snsd fanboys..so yeah..XD
okay back to my story..
all the things that i..kinda interested to buy is soo "cheap"!
n since i want to save my don for VARIOUS reasons..*sigh*
but on d 2nd thought, i think that i shud buy sumthng or else my mum will say that we went to ts for nothing..
so i buy sumthing at last..XD
did i mention that there were so many albums???
including the latest ones.(well..bonamana is still not out..=D)
curious to know what i bought?

err..actually,this is iqa's haha! she's into hyukie n khunie~XD
i didnt knoe tat she'll be xcited as i am to see the shop..-_-

anotha wristband!XD

n this!!!!XD
i didnt know that there will be all HIS pixs..thought that maybe d pixs of other members
but honestly, i didnt care!=p

n my mum bought this for her
cute thing!!
it's a fan act...hehe

so that's all for today..
ja ne~

p/s:to timah: so sorry no chan's fan there...=(

p/s:my reading list for the holiday is so long! got like 5 books to read?
(obviously not school-related books..=p)


xxx said...

U ARE SO MEAN! always goin out wit ur mum, im stuck here OUTTA MY HEAR wit there rascals and its SERIOUSLY driving me NUTS! ARGHHH!

gosh i re-read bout 5 my books bcoz mum didnt buy new ones, and u hav 5 books u still havnt read? mann thts just unfair! XD

Biela said...

hey..i didnt buy that book..
i went to libraries this holiday
(bangi n d national)XD
looks like my old hobby is comin back~

haha..agak la..nasib baik mak aku pun agk ske jln~=p
btw,i see lots of hunks!

fatimah arr said...

nab~!! haha..kureng ko..kumpul kipas jugak..cesh..

Biela said...

aku bukan kumpul..
dh tu je brg mnarik hati+AGAK murah