

the dearieee exam has finished~~~whootwhoot!!
today is friday=no more exam=skipping school! HAHAHA

yesterday had chemy n phy paper 3..sorry to say but i think phy is d easiest out of chem n bio..
(but still there's quest that i cant answer..cough*gravitational acceleration*cough)
in phy u dun hav to memorise as many things as in chem in bio~thats my opinion la
eventho i dont like phy b4..i'll TRY to like it..XD
so enuff bout the exam..lets move move move! haha

my mom picked me up from school cuz i hav some things to settle with the bank~;)
n then she said she wants to go to alamanda to buy goggles for my sis..
i was like..oh yeah!! can buy epop!! XD
then..there we go to alamanda..(with my uniform!gahh!!)

this want reallllyyy deserve to be subtitle cuz...
let me make an equation; epop=celebirity
okay i'm hiperbole'ing here..
but reallyyyy!!! so hard to find..

target: 3 epops

first stop: mag shop beside roti boy..
me: *searching,searching,searching* huh? xde??? goes to ask d shopkeeper..
"err..epop xde ke?
SK: bru je habis..
me: oh mannn..(dlm hti je la)
SK: *brought smthg frm under his counter* "but i have one here.."
me: *smile* oh thank you!! XD
SK: epop ni cpt hbs..sorg bli 3-4 copy.. (suda disimplifykan)
me: tu la..saya pun nk bli 3 ni..

result: one epop

2nd destination: the mag shop at rasa
me: *search,search* xde jugak???? goes to ask the shopkeeper
saw him holding epopS!!! (abt 4/5?) "err...nk epop tu ble x?"
SK: *giving me one*
me: nk 2..
SK: oh x ble la..ni org saya kasi simpan..
me:ala...ok la..*pays for d epop*

result: one epop

so in d end i only got my hands on 2 epops..since when i sms-ed alynn n amal b4, only alyn replied..
so i thought tat i shud give the other epop to her..
sorry amal! (but she said tat she oready buy one from pustaka rakyat..hmm..didnt know tat~)

get d picture now? haha..
really hard la to find tat mag~
 this is it! yay for the suju mini poster!

my mom suggested tat i shud just subscribe d mag..(she's been saying tat she last month!)
but maybe this month i'll really subscribe tat..=)
then we go to carrefour..thought of buying goggles n FEW other things..
but ends up with one full trolley! haha..
always like that~ i also bought a new t-shirt!!! HOHO

finally..arrived at home at 7.20 pm..^_^

one more thing..

hApPy bIrThDaY


Park Yoochun aka Micky!!!
my fav guy in dbsk~ ;)

talkin about hairstyles..he has tried manyy of them b4..even the bizarre looking ones..these two is just some of them..haha! but since he got a cute face so it's ok!XD

p/s: i got barab tuition tonite..tought of going since i kept ponteng for 2 weeks!! haha~

p/s:cant wait la 2moro..hoho~so xcited!!!

ja ne!


fatimah arr said...

hahaha..sedih jek men jejak2 niyh..

A said...

EP0P!!! I miss that mag!
sudh lme x membelinya.....:(

Biela said...

timah:bkn sahaje sdih,malah memenatkan

nissa:sye ade full collection!haha
langgan le~