im kinda busy (dun hav d mood to be exact XD)
so i only put this up now.
shinee has came out with 2nd full length album!
1. Up & Down [ok ^^]
2. Lucifer [title track-d song kinda grows,catchy =p]
3. Electric Heart [indefinite,activated..haha]
4. A-Yo [i like this~]
5. 욕(慾) (Obsession)
6. 화살 (Quasimodo)
7. 악 (Shout Out) [i LOL-ed at d beginning so much! hear it! LOL!!!]
8. Wowowow
9. Your Name [kinda like this..sweet =)]
10. Life
11. Ready Or Not
12. Love Pain
13. 사.계.후 (Love Still Goes On) [this is good too!continuation of LSGO?]
i dun manage to hear all of them yet..but i'll try too~XD
when i 1st heard lucifer (syresly, whats wit d title?-_-')
i dun really like it (weird! autotune much~)but as i said d more u listen to it, it grows on u..
here's d mv
ive got so much 2 say but ill keep it short..haha!
taemin: he looks like girl! but i stiil think he's 1year-older oppa~LOL
jonghyun: his hair is kinda ok for me..ouh! revealing backs again! but i dun hate it as much~
onew: old fashioned much? back to d 90s~haha
key: why he always get d weirdest/drastic haircut?-_-" aigoo~
minho: i dun think tat hair will fit tat many ppl..but cuz minho is handsome/cute/pretty/whatsoever so it looks ok i think (but i freaked out d 1st time i saw tat s'okay now XD)
i want to wish :
happy belated birthday to lee taemin! (18th July)
saengil chuka hae!
all d best~XD
omo~ he's just like a kid!!! *_*
he's so cute in tis!
i love him in beanies!
mann..time sure flies fast!
shinee <3!
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