alynn!here's d convo i was talking about!
stew-pid!! XD
i dunno why but they nicknamed henry as underwear stealer?LOL~
n tat was supposed to be henry's pic =)
catching up!
ohemgee ive deserted this blog for so long!
lets get started with friday
24th sept,friday
this day is kinda special cuz i went to ice room for d 1st time (ever)finally!
with alynn and's really fun!and the food is nice too and ofcoz i ate d signature dish of ice reoom
what else if it's not ice-related-dish?haha.
i ordered tropical fruit or's d most xpensive one but i think it's worth it.yummy!!
i ordered spaghetti for d main dish.i know it's common but what can i do?nothing else attracts my attention =p
here's some pix
2pm will also be coming back in october too!yeah!and my exam will also be coming back too!err...yeah?
speaking of 2pm, i received my tshirt!!!
ive ordered mockingjay!wootwoot!it's only rm20 on scholastic catalogue!n it's rm 42.9 in mph.what a bigbig difference..
i think tat's all tat..
p/s:hav lots of hworks!get start with ur revision dey minaci!x_x it's less that 10 month!
lets get started with friday
24th sept,friday
this day is kinda special cuz i went to ice room for d 1st time (ever)finally!
with alynn and's really fun!and the food is nice too and ofcoz i ate d signature dish of ice reoom
what else if it's not ice-related-dish?haha.
i ordered tropical fruit or's d most xpensive one but i think it's worth it.yummy!!
i ordered spaghetti for d main dish.i know it's common but what can i do?nothing else attracts my attention =p
here's some pix
ohh sweetness~
dilla's mee with duck breast~
klaparan tahap maks~;p
lawa kan langit kt belakang uhh?HAHA
25th sept,saturday
there's hari raya celebration in school but i didnt go.haha.
1st bcuz i was lazy and 2nd cuz i've smthg even better to do
my mom already make plans for us on tat day
tat is.....watching magika!'s a malay movie's ok for me and d bground for d movie is nice!
it's a fantasy kind of movie so no wonder la.n lots of singing...
later on,we had lunch at rasa.then i bought leckalecka's after 8!haha.i dont know why i like tat flavor.
but i think i want to try watermelon next.XD
after tat went to library to return and borrow (again) books~
searched for titan's cures but no luck..=(
i just hav to wait for nawwar's...
next,went to mom's fren open house.mann..there's lots of food!bcuz it's stall-like.where there's many stall and u can choose what u want to eat!haha.i only ate char koay teow n thank godness it's yummy!
budak2 yg ambil banyak tapi x nak habiskan..-_-'
mint choco!
26th sept,sunday
[timah's sis wedding] but i didnt go bcuz i've to follow my mum.smthg terrible happened.lots i mean LOTS of smoke was coming out of d car first it's like on-off but later on..u cant even see cars at d back.n people kept staring at us (not tat i can close their eyes)
n when we are reaching home..d engine started to make sounds..scary sounds...>_<
tat was one terrifying day. -_-
kpop mode-i didnt know suju's out with a new song!it's ost song for d movie Haru.d title is angel.nice song!
it/s only hyukie,sungmin,wookie,hae and kyu.i love this song!XD
shinee will also be coming back this 1st oct on muBank.not really comes back kinda start a new song promo for their repackage album.d song's ttle is'll not going to be one of those heavy-dance track tho.=D
oh oh n ukiss too! but theirs will be on 4th i think.
beast also released their new album too.title of d song is soom (breath)
2pm will also be coming back in october too!yeah!and my exam will also be coming back too!err...yeah?
speaking of 2pm, i received my tshirt!!!
ive ordered mockingjay!wootwoot!it's only rm20 on scholastic catalogue!n it's rm 42.9 in mph.what a bigbig difference..
i think tat's all tat..
p/s:hav lots of hworks!get start with ur revision dey minaci!x_x it's less that 1
dong dong day!
act, it's yesterday...28 sept
what to do im busy! LOL
okay wanna wish shindong a...
hurry and get married!=p
what to do im busy! LOL
okay wanna wish shindong a...
HaPpY BeLateD bIrThDaY!!!
hurry and get married!=p
stay in suju forever n all the best!
happy 25th bday once again~ XD
Super Junior’s Leeteuk recently revealed a picture of himself on his personal Twitter by writing, “Find Leeteuk!!! I found myself and burst out laughing. Check for yourselves!”
let see if u can find him..
i'll reveal d answer in d next post~
click for larger view!
cr:allkpoplet see if u can find him..
i'll reveal d answer in d next post~
as d title said,im goin to talk bout books!haha!
act,when i ws little,not so little act,primary school..i love to read.a lot.
i mean i read all the time.but when i grew up a bit,i've a new hobby.what else if it's not korean related?and it's all have got to do with yeah tat's my new hobby XD
but i dunno,esp this year i got my old hobby back XD it's a gud thing...rite?
1. The Hunger Games series - it consists of 3 books,
the hunger games
catching fire
this book is plain awesome!definitely in the unputdownable category.when i started reading it,i can barely get my hands off it.syresly.ive only read d 1st 2 tho but i think d last one will be much thinking of buying it since i borrowed d 1st 2 fr mardhi (thanks!XD)
act,today i went to mph to buy mockingjay but as i xpected it's sold out!gahhh!!
ive persuaded my mom since friday to bring me to alamanda...but without success.
this d time where i hate d most d fact tat i cant drive yet.>_<
2.percy jackson and the olympians series
d general idea of this books is about greek mythology.u know,how they have many gods for specified fields.
the story is mainly about d adventures xperienced by demigods (half god-half human)
when they are in danger like, pursued by monsters? they will be brought to camp half-bloods and trained on how to use their power as well as defend themselves.but of course,i read it only for fun not to believe's interesting tho to know about new if u want an out-of-world reading xperinece maybe u shud try this series.=)
but ive only read d 4th and 5th book.i saw the 1st movie tho so i got d main idea of this series.but im in d process of finishing d 2nd and 3rd book now.just ebooks tho.
in d author's note in d last book,he said tat there'll be like continuation.but d main characters in this series will be just d supporting characters in d new one.i think d new one will be called the hero of olympus.
i found this awesome site last's tumbir blog it is
and tat's d reason why i laughed like crazy last nite
(my sisters probably thought im crazy tho, laughing loudly alone in my room) they make fake (yes not oris) suju's convo among themselves or some other peoples on facebook according to ppl's request.but most of them r about couples in sj (u know, fangurls dream =p)
here's some examples:
it all cred goes to:superjuniorfacebook.tumblr
act,when i ws little,not so little act,primary school..i love to read.a lot.
i mean i read all the time.but when i grew up a bit,i've a new hobby.what else if it's not korean related?and it's all have got to do with yeah tat's my new hobby XD
but i dunno,esp this year i got my old hobby back XD it's a gud thing...rite?
1. The Hunger Games series - it consists of 3 books,
the hunger games
catching fire
this book is plain awesome!definitely in the unputdownable category.when i started reading it,i can barely get my hands off it.syresly.ive only read d 1st 2 tho but i think d last one will be much thinking of buying it since i borrowed d 1st 2 fr mardhi (thanks!XD)
act,today i went to mph to buy mockingjay but as i xpected it's sold out!gahhh!!
ive persuaded my mom since friday to bring me to alamanda...but without success.
this d time where i hate d most d fact tat i cant drive yet.>_<
2.percy jackson and the olympians series
d general idea of this books is about greek mythology.u know,how they have many gods for specified fields.
the story is mainly about d adventures xperienced by demigods (half god-half human)
when they are in danger like, pursued by monsters? they will be brought to camp half-bloods and trained on how to use their power as well as defend themselves.but of course,i read it only for fun not to believe's interesting tho to know about new if u want an out-of-world reading xperinece maybe u shud try this series.=)
but ive only read d 4th and 5th book.i saw the 1st movie tho so i got d main idea of this series.but im in d process of finishing d 2nd and 3rd book now.just ebooks tho.
in d author's note in d last book,he said tat there'll be like continuation.but d main characters in this series will be just d supporting characters in d new one.i think d new one will be called the hero of olympus.
out-of-title things
i found this awesome site last's tumbir blog it is
and tat's d reason why i laughed like crazy last nite
(my sisters probably thought im crazy tho, laughing loudly alone in my room) they make fake (yes not oris) suju's convo among themselves or some other peoples on facebook according to ppl's request.but most of them r about couples in sj (u know, fangurls dream =p)
here's some examples:
click to enlarge~
ddangkoma is yesung's turtle
it all cred goes to:superjuniorfacebook.tumblr
suju is the best
oh great,i just saw this "brilliant" article bout suju and now im in d mood for babbling.
the truth is diff people hav diff's a matter of preference really.if u like someone then u will try to accept their flaws.for me, i dun hav the reasons why i like suju.dont have the reaons why,i just love them. i never say that all of them r perfect n such.nobody's perfect.but suju completes each other. yes,maybe they're a little diff now.but people can chage rite?we are all growing so u can xpect them to stay the same as they were back in their debut days. but i dont see that much changes from them.but then,maybe im biased.
and please dun say that they're not talented at ALL.they each hav their own talents and some in suju can REALLY dont u dare to say that suju can't sing. thers's also saying tat they always stripping.LOL,this is a stripping-era's not like suju's d only group tat's done tat. but anyways i never liked those kind of fanservice tbh..but maybe others love it so they're just satisfying their fans bcuz it's their job.and don't tell me all they've done is stripping and not singing. if they aren't,then why did they hav 4 albums oready?2 series of concerts (3 is otw..)and seriously..if u want to hear the perfect singing all the time,u better leave kpop fandom then..
they're maybe not the greatest group out there but ELFs love them the way they are so suck it up! besides no other group can make me laugh as they did. but at d end of the day,we have to come back to the roots of the matter,it's really a matter of preference.XD
u hav ur do i,and i never asked u to agree with goodbye =p
LOL at kyu+kangin's expressions.priceless~

pics credit: caps by
the truth is diff people hav diff's a matter of preference really.if u like someone then u will try to accept their flaws.for me, i dun hav the reasons why i like suju.dont have the reaons why,i just love them. i never say that all of them r perfect n such.nobody's perfect.but suju completes each other. yes,maybe they're a little diff now.but people can chage rite?we are all growing so u can xpect them to stay the same as they were back in their debut days. but i dont see that much changes from them.but then,maybe im biased.
and please dun say that they're not talented at ALL.they each hav their own talents and some in suju can REALLY dont u dare to say that suju can't sing. thers's also saying tat they always stripping.LOL,this is a stripping-era's not like suju's d only group tat's done tat. but anyways i never liked those kind of fanservice tbh..but maybe others love it so they're just satisfying their fans bcuz it's their job.and don't tell me all they've done is stripping and not singing. if they aren't,then why did they hav 4 albums oready?2 series of concerts (3 is otw..)and seriously..if u want to hear the perfect singing all the time,u better leave kpop fandom then..
they're maybe not the greatest group out there but ELFs love them the way they are so suck it up! besides no other group can make me laugh as they did. but at d end of the day,we have to come back to the roots of the matter,it's really a matter of preference.XD
u hav ur do i,and i never asked u to agree with goodbye =p
LOL at kyu+kangin's expressions.priceless~

pics credit: caps by
hoho balik kampung!
yoyo wassup?lame suda x berjumpe~blik kg la ktekan..dah la seminggu tp nsb bek ade ramai org xle buhsan sgt
n ade baby cousin yg comel!jd asyik men dgn die je..XD
raye tahun ni ok la jugak tp yg spoil nye,nk tau x?frust sungguh!smlm bru ingat mse otw balik..ktorg x tgkp gamba family pun!!wth??da la thn lps pun tahun ni x complete la sbb ade yg x blik
mlm khamis- btolak kul 12 mlm.elak jam la kunun2 nya skali stuck kt karak nseb baik sye tido mse tu..haha
sahur kt raub.da bwk bekal siap2 just nk cri tmpt mkn..last2,benti la kat gerai [tutup of coz] ktorg tumpang meje je..mkn la dlm kesamaran cahaya cube la kan..klu korg lalu kt jln yg x rmai org,pagi2 bute tibe2 nmpk org mkn kt gerai yg tutup..haha cm pelek kan?p2 ade gak org yg tertipu g kat situ bile nmpk ktorg mkn..haha,sori la ye ;p
malam raye join bebudak uhh men bunge api..yg sesungguhnya maha banyak considering ktorg 4 org je yg main
ilah awal2 lg dh psan one of my uncles [kt fb] supaya bwk mende uhh byk2..skali,ambik kau..satu kotak besa..
pagi raye uhh mkn sket dulu [nasi ayam!] tp mkn nasi impit je sbb nnti kenyang sgt..then g masjid
balik uhh salam2 sume kumpul dwet raye..cmne la ble X INGAT nk amik gmba?aigoo~
ps2 dlm kelupaan uhh pegi la menibai nasi ayam kt dapur XD
cm bese 1st raye x g mne2 pun dok umah je. xtau la npe tp mmg cm2 HAHA
then family pcik yg ke2 dtg [dorg mmg dok kt klantan] dan bwk sate yg sedap i mean sgt sedap!
kuah die..*_* tp sket je..
mlm uh ade la g beraye..blik kul 12..penat gler!
raye ke2- g braye kt umah sedare mare belah kb.ade satu rumah belakang die laut[x la dkt sgt]
rumah die tga kne renovate so die bentang tikar kt blkg umah die n ktorg pun dok la kat tepi pantai..
angin die..perghh..
sape pna pegi tanjung mas?well,it's my 1st time.kt situ ade satu2nye cemetery non muslim [for kb je la]
dkat situ gak ramai org cine..bile smpi umah yg dituju,mkn sate lagi..haha
raye ke3 -pagi x g mane2..then petang pegi 3 rumah.rumah 1st uh die sembelih kambing so mkn la gulai kmbg..p2 ade nmpk org yg boleh la tahan jugak.HAHA
rumah 2nd plak ade 2 0rg je dok situ..dh tue sedeh lak tgk so tlg la hidang kueh2 raye
[cm umah sndri plak] ank2 die sme dh blik kl.
raye ke4- x g mane2 pun..dok umah tgk movie tp ptg uhh ikut aunties g brye kt umah kwn die
satu umah je tp dpt pendapatan dr 3 org XD
raye ke5- g pusing rumah relatives yg dekat2.. byk la jugak rumah yg ktorg pegi..7 ke 8..
then ptg uhh x lunch lg,so pegi la mkn kt radix fried chicken.sje nk try sbb ayam die ayam organik so my dad ble la xle lawan kfc la..haha..then pegi solat p2 balik
ade satu insiden tlah berlaku, balik umah nk smayang maghrib carik pye carik telekung..rupe2nye,,tinggal kt tmpt simpan brg..[sbb msuk kdai lps solat uhh] terbawak balik penanda die..haha wat lawak je
raye ke6- g umah sorg lg kt bukit bunga dekat jeli.dh dekat dh dgn yg kod i.c die 03 (klantanians la) boleh dpt pas dgn rm 10 je utk msuk thai dr situ..xtau la negeri smenanjung len tp 4 sure 12 x boleh..sedeh2..oleh krane situ kt dgn thai,ade la org jual brg2 dr situ yg murah2..ktorg beli periuk ape ntah..bertingkat la..hrge die x smpi sratus..kt kdai bese 2 kali gnde hrge die
lpas pegi lunch,g bali kdai smlm uh nk amik telekung.tetibe dlm supermarket uhh die play kpop HAHA
mle2 cm x caye je dga starting la kt klantan kn..XD
raye ke7-balik.btolak pun da lmbt kul 11++
sampai umah kul 10 lbeh.ade la jam sket2..
raye ke8, hari ni- smestinya x ke mana2..haha saye telah menjadi bibik utk hri ini krna bibik blom blik lg [skarang dh la] kena la mencuci baju yg maha banyak itu..penat2..penat fikir snanye nk gntung kt mne sbb kekurangan ruang..XD
one more thing,syres weh..kt kg X PERNAH keputusan mknn..haha!mmg msk je..msk plak bkan sikit..
ade satu hari tu, mse bfast wt lontong..mmg aku tibai habis-habisan ar..smpi rse xle nk mkn lg utk 2 hari..haha! d next morning, nasi lemak pulak [sambal yg sgt la x pedas] lgkh yg bijak telah diambil, nasi mkn sikit2 lauk je yg bertambah..haha!
ok la..nk ltak gmba pulak..
yoyo wassup?lame suda x berjumpe~blik kg la ktekan..dah la seminggu tp nsb bek ade ramai org xle buhsan sgt
n ade baby cousin yg comel!jd asyik men dgn die je..XD
raye tahun ni ok la jugak tp yg spoil nye,nk tau x?frust sungguh!smlm bru ingat mse otw balik..ktorg x tgkp gamba family pun!!wth??da la thn lps pun tahun ni x complete la sbb ade yg x blik
mlm khamis- btolak kul 12 mlm.elak jam la kunun2 nya skali stuck kt karak nseb baik sye tido mse tu..haha
sahur kt raub.da bwk bekal siap2 just nk cri tmpt mkn..last2,benti la kat gerai [tutup of coz] ktorg tumpang meje je..mkn la dlm kesamaran cahaya cube la kan..klu korg lalu kt jln yg x rmai org,pagi2 bute tibe2 nmpk org mkn kt gerai yg tutup..haha cm pelek kan?p2 ade gak org yg tertipu g kat situ bile nmpk ktorg mkn..haha,sori la ye ;p
malam raye join bebudak uhh men bunge api..yg sesungguhnya maha banyak considering ktorg 4 org je yg main
ilah awal2 lg dh psan one of my uncles [kt fb] supaya bwk mende uhh byk2..skali,ambik kau..satu kotak besa..
pagi raye uhh mkn sket dulu [nasi ayam!] tp mkn nasi impit je sbb nnti kenyang sgt..then g masjid
balik uhh salam2 sume kumpul dwet raye..cmne la ble X INGAT nk amik gmba?aigoo~
ps2 dlm kelupaan uhh pegi la menibai nasi ayam kt dapur XD
cm bese 1st raye x g mne2 pun dok umah je. xtau la npe tp mmg cm2 HAHA
then family pcik yg ke2 dtg [dorg mmg dok kt klantan] dan bwk sate yg sedap i mean sgt sedap!
kuah die..*_* tp sket je..
mlm uh ade la g beraye..blik kul 12..penat gler!
raye ke2- g braye kt umah sedare mare belah kb.ade satu rumah belakang die laut[x la dkt sgt]
rumah die tga kne renovate so die bentang tikar kt blkg umah die n ktorg pun dok la kat tepi pantai..
angin die..perghh..
sape pna pegi tanjung mas?well,it's my 1st time.kt situ ade satu2nye cemetery non muslim [for kb je la]
dkat situ gak ramai org cine..bile smpi umah yg dituju,mkn sate lagi..haha
raye ke3 -pagi x g mane2..then petang pegi 3 rumah.rumah 1st uh die sembelih kambing so mkn la gulai kmbg..p2 ade nmpk org yg boleh la tahan jugak.HAHA
rumah 2nd plak ade 2 0rg je dok situ..dh tue sedeh lak tgk so tlg la hidang kueh2 raye
[cm umah sndri plak] ank2 die sme dh blik kl.
raye ke4- x g mane2 pun..dok umah tgk movie tp ptg uhh ikut aunties g brye kt umah kwn die
satu umah je tp dpt pendapatan dr 3 org XD
raye ke5- g pusing rumah relatives yg dekat2.. byk la jugak rumah yg ktorg pegi..7 ke 8..
then ptg uhh x lunch lg,so pegi la mkn kt radix fried chicken.sje nk try sbb ayam die ayam organik so my dad ble la xle lawan kfc la..haha..then pegi solat p2 balik
ade satu insiden tlah berlaku, balik umah nk smayang maghrib carik pye carik telekung..rupe2nye,,tinggal kt tmpt simpan brg..[sbb msuk kdai lps solat uhh] terbawak balik penanda die..haha wat lawak je
raye ke6- g umah sorg lg kt bukit bunga dekat jeli.dh dekat dh dgn yg kod i.c die 03 (klantanians la) boleh dpt pas dgn rm 10 je utk msuk thai dr situ..xtau la negeri smenanjung len tp 4 sure 12 x boleh..sedeh2..oleh krane situ kt dgn thai,ade la org jual brg2 dr situ yg murah2..ktorg beli periuk ape ntah..bertingkat la..hrge die x smpi sratus..kt kdai bese 2 kali gnde hrge die
lpas pegi lunch,g bali kdai smlm uh nk amik telekung.tetibe dlm supermarket uhh die play kpop HAHA
mle2 cm x caye je dga starting la kt klantan kn..XD
raye ke7-balik.btolak pun da lmbt kul 11++
sampai umah kul 10 lbeh.ade la jam sket2..
raye ke8, hari ni- smestinya x ke mana2..haha saye telah menjadi bibik utk hri ini krna bibik blom blik lg [skarang dh la] kena la mencuci baju yg maha banyak itu..penat2..penat fikir snanye nk gntung kt mne sbb kekurangan ruang..XD
one more thing,syres weh..kt kg X PERNAH keputusan mknn..haha!mmg msk je..msk plak bkan sikit..
ade satu hari tu, mse bfast wt lontong..mmg aku tibai habis-habisan ar..smpi rse xle nk mkn lg utk 2 hari..haha! d next morning, nasi lemak pulak [sambal yg sgt la x pedas] lgkh yg bijak telah diambil, nasi mkn sikit2 lauk je yg bertambah..haha!
ok la..nk ltak gmba pulak..
cm mistletoe haha!
ni yg byk asap uhh..x ske~
mke cm superior jek~=p
montel kan?
fact: die ske lompat2 (with help) n x ske duduk mnjdkan tangan org yg pgg die lenguh..
montel kan?
fact: die ske lompat2 (with help) n x ske duduk mnjdkan tangan org yg pgg die lenguh..
haha..izzah yg mengada kalau gmbanya mahu diambil~
lawa kan?but d picture does not do justice to d actual i wish i hav a dslr HAHA
picnic raye~
org kelate kato mom is speechless with her..-_-"
dgn my aunty.she works in cameron n of coz lives there too
cm stiff gler..LOL~
nex time balik msti dh pndi merangkak dh..haha!
quote of d day: bowok laju tok sohor,
kalu mati tok de' ngucap
pahe tok?=p
p/s: dpt gak gne tenet kt kg kjap..sbb pcik bwk balik broadband..haha!ayah,blikan la sejibik!=p
p/s/s: bawak balik 2 buku,catching fire dgn the last olympian.bile dh start,sah2 ar susa nk, bce je la setiap mse..XD nk bce mockingjay!
p/s/s: bawak balik 2 buku,catching fire dgn the last olympian.bile dh start,sah2 ar susa nk, bce je la setiap mse..XD nk bce mockingjay!
Bold the biases:
1. Siwon (Super Junior)
2. Donghae (Super Junior)
3. Kyuhyun (Super Junior)
4. Kibum (Super Junior)
5. Kangin (Super Junior)
6. Leeteuk (Super Junior)
7. Eunhyuk (Super Junior)
8. Ryeowook (Super Junior)
9. Sungmin (Super Junior)
10. Han Geng (Super Junior)
11. Heechul (Super Junior)
12. Shindong (Super Junior)
13. Yesung (Super Junior)
14. Zhou Mi (Super Junior)
15. Henry Lau (Super Junior)
16. GDragon (BigBang)
17. TOP (BigBang)
18. Daesung (BigBang)
19. Taeyang (BigBang
20. Seungri (BigBang)
21. Jaebeom (ex- 2PM)
22. Nichkhun (2PM)
23. Taekyeon (2PM)
24. Wooyoung (2PM)
25. Junsu (2PM)
26. Junho (2PM)
27. Chansung (2PM)
28. Max Changmin (TVXQ)
29. Xiah Junsu (TVXQ)
30. Micky Yoochun (TVXQ)
31. U-Know Yunho (TVXQ)
32. Hero Jaejoong (TVXQ)
33. Joon (MBLAQ)
34. Seungho (MBLAQ)
35. G.O (MBLAQ)
36. Mir (MBLAQ)
37. CheonDoong/Thunder (MBLAQ)
38. DongWoon (BEAST)
39. Yoseob (BEAST)
40. JunHyung (BEAST)
41. HyunSeung (BEAST)
42. DooJoon (BEAST)
43. GiKwang/AJ (BEAST)
44. Hongki (FTI)
45. Jonghun (FTI)
46. Minhwan (FTI)
47. Jaejin (FTI)
48. Seunghyun (FTI)
49. Lee Seung Gi
50. Lee Min Ho
51. Kim Bum
52. Taemin (SHINee)
53. Jonghyun (SHINee)
54. Minho (SHINee)
55. Onew (SHINee)
56. Key (SHINee)
57. HyunJoong (SS501)
58. YoungSaeng (SS501)
59. JungMin (SS501)
60. KyuJong (SS501)
61. HyungJoon (SS501)
62. Song Joong Ki
63. Jang Geun Suk
64. LeeU (F.Cuz)
65. Jinon (F.Cuz)
66. Yejun (F.Cuz)
67. Kan (F.Cuz)
68. Wonbin (ex- FT Island)
69. ChangHyun (SHU-I)
70. MinHo (SHU-I)
71. Inseok (SHU-I)
72. HyunJoong (SHU-I)
73. Jinseok (SHU-I)
74. Ha MinWoo (ZE:A)
75. Hwang KwangHee (ZE:A)
76. Jung HeeChul (ZE:A)
77. Moon JunYoung (ZE:A)
78. Park HyungShik (ZE:A)
79. Im SiWan (ZE:A)
80. Kim TaeHun (ZE:A)
81. Kim DongJun (ZE:A)
82. Kevin Kim (ZE:A)
83. Shin SooHyun (U-KISS)
84. Alexander (U-KISS)
85. Kim Kibum (U-KISS)
86. Eli (U-KISS)
87. Lee Kiseop (U-KISS)
88. Kevin Woo (U-KISS)
89. Shin DongHo (U-KISS)
90. Bi Rain
91. Changmin (2AM)
92. Jinwoon (2AM)
93. Seulong (2AM)
94. JoKwon (2AM)
95. CL (2NE1)
96. Minji (2NE1)
97. BOM (2NE1)
98. Dara (2NE1)
99. Taeyeon (SNSD)
100. Sooyoung (SNSD)
101. Seohyun (SNSD)
102. Tifanny (SNSD)
103. Hyoyeon (SNSD)
104. Jessica (SNSD)
105. Sunny (SNSD)
106. Yuri (SNSD)
107. Yoona (SNSD)
108. Yonghwa (CN Blue)
109. Jungshin (CN Blue)
110. Jonghyun (CN Blue)
111. Minhyuk (CN Blue)
112. Kim Ah-Joong
113. Park Gahee (After School)
114. UEE (After School)
115. Bekha (After School)
116. Kim Jung-ah (After School)
117. Lee Jooyeon (After School)
118. Yoo Soyoung (ex-After School)
119. Raina (After School)
120. Nana (After School)
121. Park Gyuri (KARA)
122. Han Seungyeon (KARA)
123. Nicole (KARA)
124. Goo Hara (KARA)
125. Kang Jiyoung (KARA)
126. So Hee (Wonder Girls)
127. Sun Ye (Wonder Girls)
128. Sun Mi (ex- Wonder Girls)
129. Ye Eun (Wonder Girls)
130. Yoo Bin (Wonder Girls)
*Hye-Rim (Wonder Girls)
131. Eunjung (T-ara)
132. Hyomin (T-ara)
133. Ji-Yeon (T-ara)
134. Soyeon (T-ara)
135. Boram (T-ara)
136. Q-ri (T-ara)
137. Victoria (f(x))
138. Amber (f(x))
139. Luna (f(x))
140. Sulli (f(x))
141. Krystal (f(x))
142. Tablo (Epik High)
143. Mithra Jin (Epik High)
144. DJ Tukutz (Epik High)
145. Jay (D-NA)
146. Karam (D-NA)
147. Hyunmin (D-NA)
148. Mika (D-NA)
149. Injoon (D-NA
150. Jungmo (TRAX)
151. Jay (TRAX)
152. Attack (TRAX)
153. Rose (Ex. TRAX)
154. HanYeon (Yoon)(R-eaL)
155. Jinwoong (R-eaL)
156. SangIl (R-eaL)
157. Woohyun (Infinite)
158. Sunggyu (Infinite)
159. Hoya (Infinite)
160. Sungjong (Infinite)
161. Sungyeol (Infinite)
162. L (Infinite)
163. Dongwoo (Infinite)
1. Siwon (Super Junior)
2. Donghae (Super Junior)
3. Kyuhyun (Super Junior)
4. Kibum (Super Junior)
5. Kangin (Super Junior)
6. Leeteuk (Super Junior)
7. Eunhyuk (Super Junior)
8. Ryeowook (Super Junior)
9. Sungmin (Super Junior)
10. Han Geng (Super Junior)
11. Heechul (Super Junior)
12. Shindong (Super Junior)
13. Yesung (Super Junior)
14. Zhou Mi (Super Junior)
15. Henry Lau (Super Junior)
16. GDragon (BigBang)
17. TOP (BigBang)
18. Daesung (BigBang)
19. Taeyang (BigBang
20. Seungri (BigBang)
21. Jaebeom (ex- 2PM)
22. Nichkhun (2PM)
23. Taekyeon (2PM)
24. Wooyoung (2PM)
25. Junsu (2PM)
26. Junho (2PM)
27. Chansung (2PM)
28. Max Changmin (TVXQ)
29. Xiah Junsu (TVXQ)
30. Micky Yoochun (TVXQ)
31. U-Know Yunho (TVXQ)
32. Hero Jaejoong (TVXQ)
33. Joon (MBLAQ)
34. Seungho (MBLAQ)
35. G.O (MBLAQ)
36. Mir (MBLAQ)
37. CheonDoong/Thunder (MBLAQ)
38. DongWoon (BEAST)
39. Yoseob (BEAST)
40. JunHyung (BEAST)
41. HyunSeung (BEAST)
42. DooJoon (BEAST)
43. GiKwang/AJ (BEAST)
44. Hongki (FTI)
45. Jonghun (FTI)
46. Minhwan (FTI)
47. Jaejin (FTI)
48. Seunghyun (FTI)
49. Lee Seung Gi
50. Lee Min Ho
51. Kim Bum
52. Taemin (SHINee)
53. Jonghyun (SHINee)
54. Minho (SHINee)
55. Onew (SHINee)
56. Key (SHINee)
57. HyunJoong (SS501)
58. YoungSaeng (SS501)
59. JungMin (SS501)
60. KyuJong (SS501)
61. HyungJoon (SS501)
62. Song Joong Ki
63. Jang Geun Suk
64. LeeU (F.Cuz)
65. Jinon (F.Cuz)
66. Yejun (F.Cuz)
67. Kan (F.Cuz)
68. Wonbin (ex- FT Island)
69. ChangHyun (SHU-I)
70. MinHo (SHU-I)
71. Inseok (SHU-I)
72. HyunJoong (SHU-I)
73. Jinseok (SHU-I)
74. Ha MinWoo (ZE:A)
75. Hwang KwangHee (ZE:A)
76. Jung HeeChul (ZE:A)
77. Moon JunYoung (ZE:A)
78. Park HyungShik (ZE:A)
79. Im SiWan (ZE:A)
80. Kim TaeHun (ZE:A)
81. Kim DongJun (ZE:A)
82. Kevin Kim (ZE:A)
83. Shin SooHyun (U-KISS)
84. Alexander (U-KISS)
85. Kim Kibum (U-KISS)
86. Eli (U-KISS)
87. Lee Kiseop (U-KISS)
88. Kevin Woo (U-KISS)
89. Shin DongHo (U-KISS)
90. Bi Rain
91. Changmin (2AM)
92. Jinwoon (2AM)
93. Seulong (2AM)
94. JoKwon (2AM)
95. CL (2NE1)
96. Minji (2NE1)
97. BOM (2NE1)
98. Dara (2NE1)
99. Taeyeon (SNSD)
100. Sooyoung (SNSD)
101. Seohyun (SNSD)
102. Tifanny (SNSD)
103. Hyoyeon (SNSD)
104. Jessica (SNSD)
105. Sunny (SNSD)
106. Yuri (SNSD)
107. Yoona (SNSD)
108. Yonghwa (CN Blue)
109. Jungshin (CN Blue)
110. Jonghyun (CN Blue)
111. Minhyuk (CN Blue)
112. Kim Ah-Joong
113. Park Gahee (After School)
114. UEE (After School)
115. Bekha (After School)
116. Kim Jung-ah (After School)
117. Lee Jooyeon (After School)
118. Yoo Soyoung (ex-After School)
119. Raina (After School)
120. Nana (After School)
121. Park Gyuri (KARA)
122. Han Seungyeon (KARA)
123. Nicole (KARA)
124. Goo Hara (KARA)
125. Kang Jiyoung (KARA)
126. So Hee (Wonder Girls)
127. Sun Ye (Wonder Girls)
128. Sun Mi (ex- Wonder Girls)
129. Ye Eun (Wonder Girls)
130. Yoo Bin (Wonder Girls)
*Hye-Rim (Wonder Girls)
131. Eunjung (T-ara)
132. Hyomin (T-ara)
133. Ji-Yeon (T-ara)
134. Soyeon (T-ara)
135. Boram (T-ara)
136. Q-ri (T-ara)
137. Victoria (f(x))
138. Amber (f(x))
139. Luna (f(x))
140. Sulli (f(x))
141. Krystal (f(x))
142. Tablo (Epik High)
143. Mithra Jin (Epik High)
144. DJ Tukutz (Epik High)
145. Jay (D-NA)
146. Karam (D-NA)
147. Hyunmin (D-NA)
148. Mika (D-NA)
149. Injoon (D-NA
150. Jungmo (TRAX)
151. Jay (TRAX)
152. Attack (TRAX)
153. Rose (Ex. TRAX)
154. HanYeon (Yoon)(R-eaL)
155. Jinwoong (R-eaL)
156. SangIl (R-eaL)
157. Woohyun (Infinite)
158. Sunggyu (Infinite)
159. Hoya (Infinite)
160. Sungjong (Infinite)
161. Sungyeol (Infinite)
162. L (Infinite)
163. Dongwoo (Infinite)
a little more something
izzah got bangs! XD i think it's really cute
she looks more baby-ish ;p
went shopping today...we went to lots of places
why?to find my tudung ha ha! finally after tawaf-ing the whole bangi utama i found it!XD
d blouse was bought at a shop in tesco.i think it's cute~what do u think?
okay..for the thousandth times...i wish there's astro in kampun pleaseeee!!!
not bcuz of d astro channels but 8tv! goshgosh!
suju exit (fr mtv i think) will air at 11.30 am on 10th sept (raya 1st)
mse nmpk iklan uh mmg ape yg ade kt tgn sume dh terbang dah...>_<
(nasib bukan phone)
btw, on 1pm (i think) legend of big bang will be aired too..
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