the truth is diff people hav diff's a matter of preference really.if u like someone then u will try to accept their flaws.for me, i dun hav the reasons why i like suju.dont have the reaons why,i just love them. i never say that all of them r perfect n such.nobody's perfect.but suju completes each other. yes,maybe they're a little diff now.but people can chage rite?we are all growing so u can xpect them to stay the same as they were back in their debut days. but i dont see that much changes from them.but then,maybe im biased.
and please dun say that they're not talented at ALL.they each hav their own talents and some in suju can REALLY dont u dare to say that suju can't sing. thers's also saying tat they always stripping.LOL,this is a stripping-era's not like suju's d only group tat's done tat. but anyways i never liked those kind of fanservice tbh..but maybe others love it so they're just satisfying their fans bcuz it's their job.and don't tell me all they've done is stripping and not singing. if they aren't,then why did they hav 4 albums oready?2 series of concerts (3 is otw..)and seriously..if u want to hear the perfect singing all the time,u better leave kpop fandom then..
they're maybe not the greatest group out there but ELFs love them the way they are so suck it up! besides no other group can make me laugh as they did. but at d end of the day,we have to come back to the roots of the matter,it's really a matter of preference.XD
u hav ur do i,and i never asked u to agree with goodbye =p
LOL at kyu+kangin's expressions.priceless~

pics credit: caps by
i know, there r soo many critics bout...well not just suju but other kpop artist.
a few days back i log on into a particular website, and on the chatbox, sum ppl were arguying bout this, saying all those bad get on my nerves sumtimes when ppl cant keep their stupid opinions to themselves. always want to find false, stating things witout proof...hellanoyying!if u wanna talk trash bout sumthing, go to an anti-fan website and spill all the beans there! and not on a fan based website, dimbo!! huagrh!
sorry got too fired up by this...hahaaa :0
I agree with both of you..
yeah..Suju have changed little bit..
but I'm still LOVE them very MUCH ^_^
*I hate those bad-girl/boy-fan*
and I'm a good ELF...hahahaa
papetah... XD
hoho..makin ramai yg membuat luahan perasaan di blog kini~
alynn: its alrite.but what's d point of being anti if they cnt show to other ppl how they hate tat particular grup..rite?but still it's very annoying..>_<
just care abt ur beloved idols la!!
nissa:yeah u are a verrry gud elf!XD
timah:haha..bengang ar.rse nk membebel..tu la gnenye blog kn?^_<
u know what all those pic above...guess who i looked at all the tyme??hhaha..of cuz arr kyu...hehhe
its alright IF they show it to their fellow ANTIS and not to the fans!
amal:aku tau la ko tu..-_-
alynn:it gets OLD! they need to show it off to others haha!
less clever sungguh
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