it's almost 1 week i didnt update my bloggie.i thnk im goin to update bout my weekend....and the days after XD
so here it comes ;)
syresly..i didn't sleep at all d nite b4! okay..maybe i did but for only 30 mins?
n that's all.after sahur i didn't sleep cuz i've to follow my mum to market later
so if i fall asleep it will be verrry hard to wake up
arrived at home at 10am,shower n stuff,then off to bed until 3.30pm
haha!bagus x?
then tat evening my uncles n aunt came over to break fast together
there's hella lot of food!just looking at them make me full oready
i hav barab tuition at 10.30am.went bac k home with dilla cuz my fam went to sumwhere else..
tat afternoon went to public lib to return n borrow books again
(well, since i'll be spending my time in's compulsory!)
but tat day is really my lucky day la..bcuz i found my long-searched books!yeah 2 of em!
i just want to scream rite there!but thinking of theres quite a lot of ppl
i ran to my sis n scream at her (err..whisper-like scream?;p)
on our way back home we stopped at billion buying stuffs n juadah berbuke XD
sumthing happened here,
my sis was holding my mom's drink (for bbuke la) then she dropped it!
and the rest is history..
so my mom was like mad at us.arrived at home, i changed n went to mardhi's house by bicycle
cuz i want to borrow her book.then i went back to d bazaar at billion n bought the drinks again.
so there goes my packed sunday..=)
nothing much to do xcept staying in front of lappy..slept late again last nite
after sahur slept until 10am?haha!!
based on my plan with ibu we'll be going for last minute shopping
let's hope d plan will succeed XD
wednesday,day after tomoro
i planned to go to putrajaya library hehe
thursday nite
the journey back to hometown begins!
gudbye internet!
hello hotness~
p/s:last nite i watched a korean movie entitled jenny,juno
ever heard of movie juno(english)?this movie came out wayyy b4 this english juno
n the guy is sooo cute!
well...hope the last minute shopping will be happened..cuz that the best after all...btw,,u're "kaki buku"*according to ustaz saudi*
nab kaki buku?
ke kaki novel?
cite tu geunsuk blakon ke?
kaki buku weyh..
amal:kaki buku?apakah?
it did appen btw..penat giler!
far:sume aku tibai je jnji best.
xla..sje je ltk gmba die =p
blu kaki bole? HAHAHAHA XD
bulu kaki?
ape ko mepek ni?haha!
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