let me update abt my yesterday XD
so..ive watched harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1
yesterday with my mom,and 2 of my sis (sory izzah but u'll not be liking this =p)
purchased the tix online so i tried for less popular place
cheras leisure mall it is ;)
so at the end of d day,i finally got to watch it~hehe
ahh cant wait for the 2nd part!!!
it's gonna be awesomer than this one of course~XDD
ohh there's this thing i saw when i entered the mall
guess what?beast's poster!!!on d wall of speedy haha
this pic here ;)
then today,again..a non-productive day lol
that's cuz im not doing anything else then developing my back pain
[ahh i dun even care for the choice of words rite now =p]
yahhh dl palli!!!!>_<
watched idol maid ep6 before [haha lateee =D]
this is d ep where they sat for their written driving test
haha funny as usual ;p
and bongsun's comments on their pixs really cracked me up lol!
dongwoon: american ajumma
yoseob: cute student
doojoon: physical edu student (?) has complicated eyes
kikwang: pix like being taken in the fish tank (cuz his face appeared...big? haha lol)
hyunseung: russian ajumma [eleagant ;p]
junhyung: LA halmoni (grandma) [cuz his hair is blond and parted to sides with ratio 5:5 XDD]
ive watched until ep8..hoping tat subbed ver of ep9 will be out soon!XD
tomoro i want to go cycle!
yeah yeah! hehe
and i still dunno what to do for bio folio
[for f4]im thinking chap9 will be easier bcuz d topic is so wide
and achieving 10 pages of content will not be impossible ;p
but then, it'll be boring..so nutrition?cell division?haha later ;p
we've got lotssss of time [yeah right -_-"]
2JUN!! ^____^
and yeah, now it's finally complete =p
lol why is he always wit junhyung? they r CUTE! XD
aiyakk bile ni nak cycle? hahaha~
aa pasal bio uh snanye kne wt pe? ak xtaw!!
seriously,,pe yg kene wat utk bio nie??
alynn: cuz they're 2jun! hahah
tu laa..bile ni??cycle g skola jom ;)
amal:cm r ko bce pun kt sini..=p
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