actually i was wondering abt what im going to update here
cuz honestly there's not much going on in my life now.
as much as im always complaining about how lazy i am
to go to school but my life is empty without school
(haha cant believe i said this) and it still november.
okay done.lets put tat aside..=)
ohh im so scared of my chem teacher said tat i pass
but it must not be A.haaa ottoke~
i think when the result arrive i will not open it until
im done contemplating whether to open it or not.haha
oh me.
anyway tonite im going somewhere with my mom.we r going to watch theatre!
1st time for me.what it's gonna feel like?XD
and my sis received her graduation photos from kindergarten yesterday
haha she looks so much like a baby in that pic i cant believe tat it's her.XD
and she's going to be in std 1 next year.ha-ha
yesterday i cycled to alynn's house to give and take some things (yeah mutual rship ;p)
it's good cuz i can get out of my house for a little bit n also got to burn something ;D
somebody,,if u hav some show that had u laughed like there's no tomorrow,
please reccomend it to me.haha im so not having any work to do rite now.
actually i do.but i just dont wanna do it.yeah!;p
also, my sis has her kgarten convo tomorrow
so i think im going too =)
andddd...why there r lots of people tat so hyped up in studying for next year?
can u give me some of ur spirit too?please?cuz i just dont hav that.-_-
lol@his 1st expression
the 2nd is adorableee XD
lol i know! ppl are soo hyped up in studying! im soo hyped up in utube! oh btw i dwlded wgm chuseok horrow special, EPIC! haha~
oh god see my stomuch did the flip thing again when i read the exam part. shhhh erghh!
theater??damn cool!!!~never been to that one even once...huhuh~pathetic!!!~
alynn:wae wae?why we r so hyped up in yt???haha useless quest~
amal:not tat pathetic amal..haha
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