gosh ive neglected this blog for too long haven't i?-.-
first things first, it's abt my 1st week of schooliday ;D
okay, i had 5 days of classes on d beginning of d holiday.
not cool,not cool
so on wedenesday, real holiday started ;p
i went to mines with my mom and sis
initially, my mom wanted to settle some of our flight's minor probbies
at air asia office (?) in kl central
after that, we went to the mines :D
nothing much, a lil bit of shopping and then
we watched a malay supposed-to-be-horror movie.
which is NOT at all.
act, i wanted to watch POTC but it's fully booked.
also typical -,-
result of the outing, i got my long-wanted handbag and a top fr kitschen XD
on thursday, i went to p16 library in pjaya.
act, my actual destination was alamanda but
i need a better reason to go out so library it is.;p
the mission of the day was to find birthday pressie for my mom.
long story short, something terrible happened to me.
i've lost my 3120c nokia handphone.
and that night, i did a lot of waiting bfore i told my mom abt it cuz
i really dont want to ruin her birthday.
in the end, she was not really mad at me but just said,
"tu la, asyik cakap nak tuka phone je. phone awk tu lari sebab merajuk la.."
which just made me even sadder -.-
so that's it, story of first 2 days of my holiday.
mind you, ive been really busy this holiday.there's just so much to do!
*poyo je HAHA
lol ur mummmm!! phone mrajuk thats a 1st haha
yeah busy study jeaa :P
nasib mak kau xckp, "2 lah..kata nk g library, sekali g alamanda"
alynn:ehh bese la tu.xpna dga ke?
haha alynn kalau aku study, ko pun mcm tu la jgk ;p *sarcastic*
timah:ehh die mmg tau daa..tp xtau tujuan je laa.hehe
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