so sorry shiqa for the very lateeeee reply to ur post. ;D
okaaay.where do we start?haha.
rite, facial cleanser.
currently, im using biore facial fit cleanser ---->
before, i used clean and clear. it cleans allright BUT
i cant stand it when it got into my stings a lott.
haha ok i sound like a child. ;0
i dont use toner or whatsoever although my mom nagged me.haha. im just too layzayyh~
next, for day-cream/foundation/mosturizer/etc
im currently using this
before, i used garnier day-cream, my mom's hand-me down
cuz at that time ive finished my cream
and i do not like it. at all.
cuz when its afternoon, my face will be like super oily.
before that, i used this
not really a cream more of mosturizer tho
but i love it.
hmm im thinking of switching my bb cream.suggestions?
im thinking maybe the one alynn suggested but it's a lil xpensive
or the one fr etude house. (haha act, the price doesnt differ that much lol)
lip balm/lip gloss (act it's more of lip balm ;D)
currently im using nivea soft rose lip balm

it's fine but i dont really like it's smell.haha
before, i used the avon one, peach. i lovelove the smell
but it 'dies', very tragically
for compact powder, im currently using johnson's mini face powder
at first i just wanted to try it so i bought the mini one. ;)
but i think it is more convenient for yeah mini ftw! ;D
haha that's all of my 'skincare' products.
tbh i just bought em fr drug store since i cant afford to buy the 'non-drug store' ones, yet ^_^
lol my mum nags me bout the toner and moisturizer as well lol.
the smell of your lip balm.. *dush2
alynn: asal eh? mak2 ni..
timah: tahan, sampai die habis haha
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