
RAMADHAN, you are to be missed :')

plan:breaking fast outside had successfully been carried out w/out any casualties cept
for our cravings for flour-dipped squid. idky but it seemed to be left out by the cook. -,-"
and i ate a plateful of rice.yeah. but c'mon, breaking fast outside wasn't common right.
maybe once a year? well if u wanna count breaking fast in village which is what
im going to do tomorrow as 'outside' ,go ahead ;p

okay,so the reason that i was blabbering here because i dont want to sleep.why?
bcuz in 1 hour time, i'll be in the car for the next 8 hours.(HOPEFULLY)
so, i wanna save my sleepiness. ;D

actually, today (yesterday btw) was my long awaited day for the past week.
mentioned one reason and the other was raya shopping: parte 2 XD
so i pretty much went into every single clothing shop in alamanda to search for my destined clothes.
the reason: to avoid buying another t-shirt
but guess what in the end, i bought a long sleeved t-shirt HAHAHAA...
it's all bcuz nothing else caught my eyes (well except for t-shirtS -_-;)
i also bought my tudung raya which is almost forgotten.

oohh, and miaumiau was not home tonight~ (and for the next 7 nights)
she's going outstation.haha.
all thanks to adlin fareeza hamdan ;DD
at first we went to a pet clinic to ask for cat-boarding but it was full
it charges rm12 per night plus treatments for the cats (vaccine, ubat kutu etc)
yeah it's my 1st time so im learning all of this. :)
i hope miaumiau'll be able to make new friends lol

hmmm..that's all i think.
everybody has woken up now.
welcome aidilfitri and goodbye ramdahan
i hope i'll be able to meet you again next year :))

 and gbye~ :D

p/s:'miaumiau' is not a permanent name


xxx said...

haha sure btw ur cat is was too skinneh lol

Biela said...

saye pun tatau la cmne nk gemukkan die..

fatimah arr said...

adakah dia bertambah kurus di bawah jagaan adlin fareeza? HAHA