(sorry but i dont no what to update 'bout HAHA)
monday - day off.since exam hadn't started yet
tuesday - malay language. fine i guess.the essays were
not that hard either it's just that i didn't have
enough points on them. paper 2 was -,-
overall, my right hand hurts.
wednesday- english. had the spotlight questions. why spotlight?
cuz they came out 'circle-circle' LOL
i got stumped a bit before starting the long essay
because i can't think of better storyline. finally, i did
'incident u regret the most in your life'
fiction ofc ;p
thursday - mathematics. paper 1 was easy but
already got wrong at question....well it's Q of circle.
silly, i know. i hope everything else is right because
im not putting high hopes on my paper 2
i want to cry from just thinking about it.
so bijak la meself -,-
friday (today) - history. okay i regret not paying enuff attention
on timahs msge on fb (sorry wont do it again ;D)
cuz im so preoccupied at that time LOL
aaandd i just knew this morning
when i arrived at school that paper 2's first
lucky me that i read the topics..well kind of thoroughly
(still, not THAT confident of my answers ofc >_<)
i feel like killing my last-night-self. arghh.
and next week i'll face syariah islamiah on tuesday and
additional mathematics (my most favourite subject) on wed.
so im gonna be with add maths all weekend long.syariah too ofc :DD
next next week, biology on monday, paper 3s (bio+phy) on tues,
wednesday we got chemistry, quran sunnah and chem paper3 on thurs
finally, arabic on fri
and finally FINALLY, physics on thurs (29 sept)
delayed cuz of merdeka celebration.
ooh wanna look how im like at home during exam period? ;p

i neither study filipino nor social ethics but u get the idea right? ;D
i study crap. hah. =.=
i study SLEEP and yeah..crap lol
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