
the gardens

do u know that in d gardens there is a department store named robinsons and in it there's basic house..a shop tat sells clothes n stuffs which is from korea
moreover one of d endorsers is kim hyunjoong!so u can see big posters of him in d shop (most probably)
click for a larger view~

 (d quality sucks!>_<)

okay lets stop babbling bout tat..

actually,i followed my mom to mid yesterday..she was meeting her old friend
n i have some maxis stuffs to do at d gardens~(changing my mom's name to mine XD)
tell u what..we waited for more than an hour n when it's finally my turn..it only takes less than 10 minutes!whathaheaven!

after that..my mom's fren treat us at a restaurant, Madam Kwan's
my 1st time eating there!haha (thanks auntie!=D)
i ate dumpling soup,this is what it looks like~=p

the dumpling soup
the dumpling~

but she said (mom friend) the fried kuey teow there is delicious!
nex time i'll try tat~=p
after tat when to d surau which is xtremely packed! ppl hav to queue for their turn! dh la mse nk habis ..
at last i went to a small corner (berry small!) which no one cares to go~haha
after that we headed home..=)

n today..i went to alamanda..we planned to watch karate kid but d earliest show is on 3.30pm which is too late for us..so..cancelled d plan~=(
i went to mph..bought 20ties girls..haha
 lap cam~LOL

then..we went to rasa for lunch..
thought of trying d honey bbq chicken rice..but it's not available~T_T
i ate char kuey teow..(x sdp pun..-_-)

tomoro i got explorace..so kinda xcited for it..hehe
n this (coming) week is really a great one bcuz of this:

tues: 1700-SGB (with 2pm!!woohoo pity thres no junK =\)
wed: 1815-dream team (with suju!!!not all of em tho..)

and also on wed i got d PPS lawatan to shah alam book fest 
(hopefully it dont get cancel at last minute AGAIN..-_-)

one more thing!
hav u guys drink this?
it's delicious!!! (for me) hehe 
try it!!
go tropical fruits~XD


fatimah arr said...

weyh..dumpling alynn order harituh nmpk lg menarik..dan semestinya dia un dpt 1/2 pokok mcm aku gak..haha..

mati2 aku ingat buku uh terbang..xnmpk sgt tgn ko..haha !

Biela said...

owh..xpasan plak dumpling alynn
oh,adekah aku bjye membuatkan buku itu spt terbang?yeah!