hot zombies!!
this intro is amazing~
n chan's eyes..*_*!!
i think tat d tub was kinda small..?for taec.haha~
i'm just die LOL-ing rite now!!!
watch em urselves n cmmnt!
2pm,2am,beast Sign (BEG)
chan (timah ko mst ske!),junho, doojun,kwon!!!(timah!!)
oh yeah..they're funny but HOT at d same tyme!^_^
2pm n beast mister (kara)
woo is soooooo cute!!!!
khunie n yoseob too!
d other one i cant say tat he's cute..haha!
but y there's no junho?? *oondongdance*
woo's ending post was jjang!!XD
suju,shinee,mblaq muzik (4minute)
LOL at HyunaDong!!!haha!!
key looks as if he's in 4minute!XD
mir n joon r cute!!!
shinee n suju gee!
ahhh!!!so cute!
heesica!! so pretty~
min is soooo girl-like! yeppuda!! he looks like sica!
taemin n minho=cuteness overload!
teukie=major LOL!!!!*banging d keyboard*
too much glittery~haha
i say hee! u say sica!!!XD
2pm bo peep bo peep (t-ara)
junsu!! u're killing meh!!kiyowo!!
woo n junho n khunie is cute too!
n finally junho got to do oondong dance!=p
LOL at d laughing part~
haha! i remember junsu's bo peep bo peep~he must be very happy now!XD
i think they're kinda helping t-ara promote their song..
maybe d song will be even more popular after this!=D
bo peep bo peep bo peep bo peep~
they're girlgrups doing perf like these but ofcoz..opposite..
i'm too lazy to post d vids..
but heres d lists..
kara+fx ring ding dong (cute ver!!)
cl heartbreaker (i love this~so powerful! but her outfit was..blehh~)
snsd+fx sorry sorry (too many times already but still gud esp d hand part!^^)
afterschool+kara+4min heartbeat (my fav!!!they looked so hot!haha~)
there r many great perf from last nite..
if u want to watch em..seach 4 urselves..haha!
i'm just die LOL-ing rite now!!!
watch em urselves n cmmnt!
2pm,2am,beast Sign (BEG)
chan (timah ko mst ske!),junho, doojun,kwon!!!(timah!!)
oh yeah..they're funny but HOT at d same tyme!^_^
2pm n beast mister (kara)
woo is soooooo cute!!!!
khunie n yoseob too!
d other one i cant say tat he's cute..haha!
but y there's no junho?? *oondongdance*
woo's ending post was jjang!!XD
suju,shinee,mblaq muzik (4minute)
LOL at HyunaDong!!!haha!!
key looks as if he's in 4minute!XD
mir n joon r cute!!!
shinee n suju gee!
ahhh!!!so cute!
heesica!! so pretty~
min is soooo girl-like! yeppuda!! he looks like sica!
taemin n minho=cuteness overload!
teukie=major LOL!!!!*banging d keyboard*
too much glittery~haha
i say hee! u say sica!!!XD
2pm bo peep bo peep (t-ara)
junsu!! u're killing meh!!kiyowo!!
woo n junho n khunie is cute too!
n finally junho got to do oondong dance!=p
LOL at d laughing part~
haha! i remember junsu's bo peep bo peep~he must be very happy now!XD
i think they're kinda helping t-ara promote their song..
maybe d song will be even more popular after this!=D
bo peep bo peep bo peep bo peep~
they're girlgrups doing perf like these but ofcoz..opposite..
i'm too lazy to post d vids..
but heres d lists..
kara+fx ring ding dong (cute ver!!)
cl heartbreaker (i love this~so powerful! but her outfit was..blehh~)
snsd+fx sorry sorry (too many times already but still gud esp d hand part!^^)
afterschool+kara+4min heartbeat (my fav!!!they looked so hot!haha~)
there r many great perf from last nite..
if u want to watch em..seach 4 urselves..haha!
2pm's you're beautiful parody
i've been waiting for this since yesterday!!!!
n now its out!!
loved it~
it's so hillarious!!
i cant find d one wif eng subs yet..
hehe~ but d storyline can be understood..
n now its out!!
loved it~
it's so hillarious!!
i cant find d one wif eng subs yet..
hehe~ but d storyline can be understood..
d 3rd post of d day
i loveeee this part!!!!
so cute!! esp d leader~
he was being bullied by d others~poor him!
did i commit some kind of sin today?
so cute!! esp d leader~
he was being bullied by d others~poor him!
did i commit some kind of sin today?
deoreoun eyed girls!
*abt d title*
ttbe terigt plak psl dorg (bru rewatch WB ep5 td~LOL)
huwaaaaaaa!!!! dh nak skola!!tamau2~
without a single doubt..i've got to say tat this holiday is d most boring holiday ever!!!!!
not to mention about tiredness..>_< style="font-style: italic;">*wait! what am i suppose to write??*
oh yeah! i cant wait for sbs gayo daejun!!! i'm so xcited!!! so many things to look 4ward to~
but d sad thing is suju wont be complete~huhu..there'll be only 9-10 members?im not sure..
n also..kbs gayo..i'm xcited cuz i'll be able to watch it on tv! yeah!! but i'm not sure abt d showtime..i dun think it'll be aired live,,so i think i've to stay tune on tat chnl to catch up its ad..so if anybody knows..please tell me kay?=)
i want to go to mid this thurs..but i still dun ask my dad yet..i hope he'll let me go..altho it's maybe only 40% hope..haha! but i think i'm still gonna ask him 2nite~
okay..nex thing to talk about........
aha! well be having some kind of family gathering this thursday..to celebrate my dad,sis n cousin's birthday..i'm looking 4ward to tat day..maybe there'll be lots of food?haha~~
wait! mid is thurs n tat gthring is also on thurs n when we put d two 2gether...
arghhhh!!!! it means tat i cant go to mid! andwae~~~~T_T
n d last thing is..i'm still waiting for my lappy..altho i've found some gud lappies with reasonable price..maybe i'll hav to wait a bit more..i dun think i can ask my dad to buy it 4 me now..well..school'll opens soon=lots of money will be needed~
so tat's all..
ja ne!!
timah's request
be proud timah..
ur name is d title of this entry..haha
aku mrapu je..
so this is d vid~
d sequence~
gee-saturday nite-sorry sorry-again&again-heartbeat-abracadabra
great job~
but still..
no one can beats jo kwon! =p
be proud timah..
ur name is d title of this entry..haha
aku mrapu je..
so this is d vid~
d sequence~
gee-saturday nite-sorry sorry-again&again-heartbeat-abracadabra
great job~
but still..
no one can beats jo kwon! =p

today's muBank was jjang!!!
i love it~
cuz there's SuPm!!!
super junior+2pm=i'm dead
i luv d part where teukie n dongdong went to 2pm's waiting room (?)
i'm not sure but nvm la..
so cute!!
this is d vid..can u feel my bbang? LOL..
suju performed sorry sorry remix..LOVE it!!
cuz my hubby got kinda lots of part..haha!
but there's only 9 members..
kibum (MIA) kangin (T_T) chul (?) geng (his case wif sm..)
so it's kinda empty..?
hope everything will be ok..!X)
n 2pm perform AAA n heartbeat..
great as always..but d beginning was..kinda funny..?
haha! dun really get it..
i was watching their perf wif my mum n sis..n sudenly my mum says..'knp mke dorg sme cm sme je?sme x nmpk mte..." haha! nvm la mommy they're still HOT! XD
n gee won d most popular song(?) congrats to them..=)
but i was really hoping tat sorry sorry will win..such a great song..
n also..
i miss mblaqXbeast dance battle..
aigoo...nvm la..i guess i'll catch it up on YT~
ja ne~
haha~sorry 4 d late post..i'm kinda busy..
yesterday wasn't my turn to on9..
n today..for d whole DAY my sis conquered d pc..btuah pye bdk..
Alhamdulillah..yesterday i got my result..wat result? pmr ofcoz..
i scored 9A!! but seriously i dun feel anything n i dun know y..but for sure i know tat im grateful to Allah..my parents..teachers n frens..other than tat..i'm feeling empty..yeah d day b4..d nite before..im sooooo nervous! but when i'm about to receive d slip fr cegu ezana..i didnt feel anything!haha..weird rite?
n congrats to all pmr09 candidates who got straight A's in pmr..even though tis year is not as good as last year..but still..chukahaeyo!!!!
huhu,,i didnt get to take pic with them..pic for what i dun know..haha cuz my mom was rushing back to her office..huhu~
for sure..i know tat i'm going to get a laptop!!
yay...dun have to berebut wif my sis again~
n my mom told her frens n also my uncles..ahh~~
so segan...>_<
but d gud thing was i got rm30 fr one of my mom's colleagues
thx s o much auntie!!XD
so tats all i think for now~
ja ne!
sorry sorry answer+GDA

urineun super junior~yeo!
full of hotnessess..esp my teukie!!!!how can u be hotpluscute at d same time when u r lying on d couch??arghh!!!!!all of them r HOT!but i want to complain abt chul's hair~ergh...(now it's even worse..for me *GDA*)
this mv has no storyline at all...but i'm fine with it as long as my boys r there~haha!
but there's no kibum..n kangin! huhu...but i dun know if they do it on purpose or not..cuz there's kangin at d end of d mv..i think they filmed this mv a while back~
n this is d GDA perf~
awesomely awesome!
sorry sorry sorry sorry!!!
d opening was jjang!!!KRY is LOVE~
i love d remix!! i miss them performing 2gether on d stage..even there's only 11~
congrats to them for winning disk daesang!!
nobody deserves this awrd better than them~
n also~
what time is it??
i luv this perf too!!
LOL@ kyu and hae's reactions..so cute~they're like ooh! zombies!!
d perf was great as always..but even BETTER!!;D
i luv d transition to AAA!!
so.......(i dun know how to describe it~haha)
n as always..
empty spot at d center..;(
i'll never get tired of waiting!!
btw..congrats for winning disk bonsang too!!
yay for them~
ja ne~
so xcited!!!!
cuz tomorrow~
yes tomorrow!
shinee will perform JoJo!!
i'm lovin d song~~~
hope tat tomorrow there'll be nothing wrong wif astro..<_<
n also..
mblaq will perform G.O.O.D Luv~
cant wait to see tat as well..
n of coz..*listen to my heartbeat*
i'll never get tired of tat song~
ja ne!
so xcited!!!!
cuz tomorrow~
yes tomorrow!
shinee will perform JoJo!!
i'm lovin d song~~~
hope tat tomorrow there'll be nothing wrong wif astro..<_<
n also..
mblaq will perform G.O.O.D Luv~
cant wait to see tat as well..
n of coz..*listen to my heartbeat*
i'll never get tired of tat song~
ja ne!
shah alam
last sunday my mom n i went to shah alam..
cuz my mom wants to go to alaf21
to buy some books cuz they're having some kind of book fair (?)
people got 30% discount for each book if they buy there for 3 days (4-6 dec)
so from if d normal price is 19.90..u'll got 13 something..
when we arrived there..i ask her if i can buy a book.
she doesnt say anything so i guess it's a yes~=D
so i searched for a book tat suits me..
then finally i found 1..
d title is 9 nyawa..it's not a love story 4 sure (well maybe there'll be some..)
n d synopsis was kinda interesting..
so i took d book..
finally my mom bought 4 books..
i saw a woman holding a basket n d basket was like..full?
d basket tat u saw in supermarket~
so i was like..=_=
after tat we hurried to go back home cuz it's 2.30 already..
my mom decide to buy some lauk cuz she's too tired to cook..
so we dropped by at a shop in front of our house..
when we passed a shop..i saw something tat made scream n i told my mom to stop..
i saw epop!!
so i quickly went to tat shop n buy d mag~
luckily d cover's colour was kinda striking..
so it's easy to see it from far away~
thers' only at tat tyme so i bought all of them
since alynn told me to buy it for her~XD
tat's all for now..
ja ne!!~
what time is it?
you're my heart,heart,heart,heart,heart~breaker!

her name is izzah n she's 5..
she's sooooo stubborn i told ya!!!
she only wants people to listen at her..
annoying..but she's still my cute sis~;p
but sometimes she's smart too..
like saying something tat we dun xpect to hear from her!
this is when we are on d way to kg~
tat day was her burfday~

this is my 1st sis..
her name is atiqah but we called her angah..
she's 11 but in year6~haha!
people often think tat she's d eldest which is actually me!
well..i look young don't i~

her name is fadhilah but we call her ilah..
shes 7 so shes in std1~
sometimes we call her 'nenek' cuz she talks nonstop!!
like..when we go to alamada..she'll talk all d way from home to alamanda!
so loud!! we often tell her: ilah ble tlg x? tlg diam!
but well..she didnt!huh~
she used to be d naughtiest in our family but not anymore since izzah's around!

from my mum n dad~
so cute!!! i want one too!
i told her: ble along amik x?
izzah: ble! =)
few mins later....
izzah:mintak blik!
me: -_-

we only hav one when we're back in bangi~
there's no time to do one in kg~
tat was her cake..
my mum told me tat's d trend rite now..
people buy cupcakes instead of one cake..
i dun care but for sure d cake has to be delicious!
haha!!d title was so long~
but didnt mean anything~=D
well,actually i want to post some pics of my sisters..
like doing some kind of intro..
dun no why..suddenly feel like to do so~
ja ne!
i'm BACK!!
i'm so happy!!
after 4 days without internet..
luckily theres astro at my kampong..(thx auntie!)
so it's not that boring..
but it still boring!=p
n i got to watch music bank!!
n they won!!!!! chukahaeyo~~~
but i only got to watch ukiss,2pm n ss501..
nvm la~hehe
am so tired meh~~
what a lo~~~~ng journey..
nk escape jam pye psl..
we took d long road..
lalu cameron+perak
but it's worth it la..
x jam..
btolak kul 11 pg smpi bangi kul 11mlm
12 jam!!!
huhu~merane aku
nseb bek la ade my best fren..
ble r dgr lagu..XD
mse nk blik kg tu lalu jln tu gak..
x jam gak tpi tyme nk msuk k.krai..
pnjg gler r!!
2 jm lbh gak r dlm jam uh..
dh la x le nk tdo..
battery plak flat..
xle nk dgr lagu..T_T
mse hri ktorg blik kg tu..
birthday my sis..(26/11)
happy belated burfday lil sis!!
die dpt present patung kcg!!
my present 4 her: layanan yg baek spnjg hri 2~
means tat..sabar dgn prangai die..bg ape die nak..
xtau nk bg hdh ape+poket dh blubang
ja ne~
i'm so happy!!
after 4 days without internet..
luckily theres astro at my kampong..(thx auntie!)
so it's not that boring..
but it still boring!=p
n i got to watch music bank!!
n they won!!!!! chukahaeyo~~~
but i only got to watch ukiss,2pm n ss501..
nvm la~hehe
am so tired meh~~
what a lo~~~~ng journey..
nk escape jam pye psl..
we took d long road..
lalu cameron+perak
but it's worth it la..
x jam..
btolak kul 11 pg smpi bangi kul 11mlm
12 jam!!!
huhu~merane aku
nseb bek la ade my best fren..
ble r dgr lagu..XD
mse nk blik kg tu lalu jln tu gak..
x jam gak tpi tyme nk msuk k.krai..
pnjg gler r!!
2 jm lbh gak r dlm jam uh..
dh la x le nk tdo..
battery plak flat..
xle nk dgr lagu..T_T
mse hri ktorg blik kg tu..
birthday my sis..(26/11)
happy belated burfday lil sis!!
die dpt present patung kcg!!
my present 4 her: layanan yg baek spnjg hri 2~
means tat..sabar dgn prangai die..bg ape die nak..
xtau nk bg hdh ape+poket dh blubang
ja ne~
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