so...i just got back home this evening~
i went to genting yesterday*yay!dreams come true!*
finally..after 15 years of life..i finally go there~
d things up there were dead xpensive!!
so i played almost all d thrill rides there,xcept for flying coaster
cuz i was too chicken to try~=p
haha!but i'm regretting it now..haish.
nex time i go,i'll be sure to ride tat one!!
my fav is corkscrew n my least fav is sg rejang flume..
huh~i'm wet!!!
luckily..i sat at d front..poor my sis~XD
so it was fun~thanx mom n dad!
but nex time i want to go with my frens!
then we stayed at selesa hillhomes for one nite
cuz my sis wanted to mandi kolam
d room is has one living room n one bedroom..
i slept on d couch..cuz there's not enuff space~
but it's ok..d couch is comfy though..=) i just knew tat there is reunion going to be held this thursday..
*huh..just 2 days away from d net*
but i'm not sure i can go or not..
i've asked n d answer is NO~
but i think im gonna try again..
wish me luck!
but i think d percentage of success is very low..
ja ne!
p/s:going to upload d pix later..
to lazy to transfer it~
7 comments:, rugi xnaik..
masa nek rejang uh bende plg best ialah menjerit perkataan "BASAH!!!!" masa turun uh
taw xpe...rugi gilerr x naik...
rejang uhh best pe...
asal mk ko x kasik plak g reunion uhh???sedey tul...wish u gud luck...harap2 mk ko kasi g...
aku nek la rejang uh...
kn aku wet~
aku x naik flying coaster tu je..
amal..x bnseb bek la..
ayh sye x bg..
tp kan aku dh mnx..
at least thn ni mst kuar skali!
hahah! basah kn. ak pulak dok dpn.mmg kuyop aa! kuang nye amal! hahah~
blkg lg kuyup la alynn..
adek aku~
sian gle..
tp best r..
ko bkak mte x mse tga turun uh?
aku xbukak mata..hua3..
ktorg ckp rugi xnek mendalah tu lah..bukan rejang.. ke timah..
ye la..aku mmg nyesal un x nek~
aku xde kbranian nk bkak mte..
nnti hbs msok air~
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