imma tell you what, ive watched it! (haha gila bangga)
so in conjuction with MY school's one-day-holiday on monday,
i went to alamanda to watch it, with my mom.
being an avid harry potter fan, ofc i wpuld say that the movie was awesome (well im biased that way)
i dunno bout anyone else, but it is, for me :D
so it started where it stopped at last year, shell's cottage
this 7th sequel mainly focused on hogwart's battle (the best part in the book act ;p)
my fav scenes are when hermione polyjuice-potioned herself into bellatrix. that was just LOL
2nd, when the malfoys walked away from the battle.haha dont ask me why, i just like that scene ;p
oh and not to mention, the 19 yrs later scene.
had a good laugh there too (ooh, btw albus severus potter is cute XD)
so, that's all about the movie i think.
the thing is, im act sad with hp series ended.
no more hp movies to watch out for after this. ;(
and ohh ohh, i just love the part where they put the flashbacks.
from harry's yr one in hogwarts until now.
which just made me even sadder T_T
alang2 dh cakap pasal hari potter (my sis's pronounciation) ni..
let's talk about my intro to hp world ;D
ive first discovered harry potter and the chamber of secrets at one of my relatives' house
i even brought it home with me lol.
fyi it's bm version. (cuz i was like std 4 at that time..?)
btw, im not too exposed to english then.
so that's when it started.
after that, i read harry potter and the sorcerer's stone.
next, harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban.
in a bookstore in kelantan. punyalah x menyempat HAHA)
i waited patiently for the harry potter and the goblet of fire
to be bm-ised,
next, harry potter and the order of phoenix
and then harry potter and the half-blood prince
and finally, the much awaited book, harry potter and the deathly hallows.
can i want this one?XD
ive read all of this in malay btw.bcuz as ive said, bi was not my preference lang for books at that time
and malay version was way cheaper. ( i doubted my mom would buy me the pricey english version)
in concl, my fav are the 4th and the last book :DD
the movies, ive watched all of them.
1st,2nd,3rd and 4th movies i just watched the dvds (countless time i'd say ;p)
and then 5th until the 7.2th movie, ive watched em in cinemas.
(but dvd is a must actually for future use ;p)
anyway, quoting my mom's saying:
'awak ni membesar sama-sama dengan harry potter tu..'
which is a true thang actually, considering im in my last year of schooling :')
my current mozilla's persona HAHA
P/S: im thinking of buying the whole hp series books..english ver ofc
maybe with my first pay? ;p
albus severus potter, kinda an old name for a kid lol or maybe thats just me. and yeahhh hes CUTEE lol
right.who names their son albus nowadays?haha
ko tgk ari isnin cuti tu gak ke?
haaa, asal ta jumpe kau? heee aku pon same tgk hari tuh
aku ade azkaban punya yg versi bi..itu kakak aku punya keje la tuh..g bagi yg bi dgn harapan aku baca..xdenya..aku dah baca yg bm punya dah masa tuh..huhu
ape bce bm timah x feel ah hahaha ak xleh nak imagine kalu bce bm xD
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