
NG's in school

just wanna do some quick post here.
referring to alynn's entry.
yeahh thanks so much for the advice guys~
we really do appreciate it and no to forget,
the fact that how goody two shoes u guys all are -,-
now, who wanna film a video to return all the praises to them? ;p

p/s: shiqa, well said, well said. ;p


Shiqa said...

just sayin' the truth, hehe.

fatimah arr said...

let's make it!! but, we as clever girls, will edit our voices!! HAHA

Biela said...

shiqa: ofc u were ;p

timah: let's chipmunk-ed our voices!HAHA

xxx said...

wanna join this video-making too lets tell em what theyre really like in reality xD

Biela said...
